New Grower First time grow/grower.

About to pick up a salt leaching product. Idk which I should use, Clearex and flora kleen. Anyone have experience/reservations they wouldn't mind sharing on this?

P.s. thanks for the kind words Dr Babnik
Update:: plz feel free to comment. I am enjoying the experience with its ups and downs. I believe I'm at week 7/8.
Looking good bro. It got side branches going up evenly.
Thanks for stopping by, I mainlined and tried to spread out the branching, to keep every bud site in light. I've broken 3 stems that way, lost one and saved 2. Its been a blast so far, seeing how the plant works and grows. So much to learn and physiced to be on the path to enlightenment. I'll post more update pics.
HI Spacecadet, It happened to me too, some of them continued to yellow and then fell. Some recommend to keep them while they are green because the plant still consumes nutrients from them, others cut them when more than 50% of the leave is yellow or dry. I hope this helps, its from my research, I am a new grower! keep up the good work!!:vibes: