New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

this is a start

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Any chance there’s one that shows me how to drench the soil? Just wanna make sure it’s the same as I imagined. This one is great though!

Gonna go find a big bucket to mix soil in!

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Any chance there’s one that shows me how to drench the soil? Just wanna make sure it’s the same as I imagined. This one is great though!

Gonna go find a big bucket to mix soil in!

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I just moisten the soil . Well I mix the moist soil well until evenly moist then put into the container not packing it down and then plant my seed. I prefer to start the seeds using paper towel in a ziploc baggie method. And when they have a tail of about half an inch . I plant in the container taproot down and put maybe 100ml of water right where planted just to ensure good contact with the root

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Any chance there’s one that shows me how to drench the soil? Just wanna make sure it’s the same as I imagined. This one is great though!

Gonna go find a big bucket to mix soil in!

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The last few days has been reading and buying stuff. So far, bought the following:

4 x 4ft 36w T8 Fluoro at 12k+ lumens total. 2 each of 2700 and 6500 with simple aluminium reflectors. It’s 2 sets of double barrel with reflectors. Any ideas on how to DIY it into something hanging and can easily adjust height?

Sounds good, you'll get good area coverage with that.
Some use fancy rachets to hang, some just use anything,
wire, rope, string, chain. Whatever works.

Fabric Pots 5 gallon x 5pcs + 1 ceramic pot just to see difference. Any great ideas on what to put them on? My balcony floors are tiles so I am guessing a drip tray of some sort.

Ok, you're going for a good size there.
Most people raise above floor, but you prob don't have cold problems.
Just raise on wood or polystyrene or something non-heat conductive.
Drip trays good, but try to avoid standing water...
For me, they're more to just avoid the mess.

Potting Soil + Perlite + Purmice Stone for a sturdier bottom and air flow. Will just add barely a layer on bottom + Worm Castings (on the way). Planned mix is 60:Soil 20:perlite 20:worm poop


Bought Seaweed + Fish Amino Acids to hopefully help with heat but the NPK ratio of 4:1:1 seems like a good nute during vege too. It was within my budget so bought it anyways even though won’t be using it yet. Should I drench the soil with a light mix of this before planting? Btw, does the first drench before planting mean just to water slowly till it drips? Or 20% of container size? Or? I keep getting confused with the pre planting drench and the pre harvest flushing

Sounds like a good vegging ratio.
No, don't drench. Your potting mix will have enough nutes for a couple of weeks.
Any more, and you may be making the soil too toxic.
Most pre-plant drenches are for soil-less mixes, e.g. coco, with no nutes inside.

Seeds should reach in few days.

All the best for safe arrival!

Bought soil tester, ph pen, TDS/ EC tester, hygrometers

Great, you're really going for it on this first grow.
It'll pay off.

Any tips on choosing camouflage/ stealth accompaniment plants? Those that can help keep cool like aloe vera? Lookalikes like ferns? Or ornaments? Strategies?

I often grow with various herbs. Try a range of things.
The more messy the profile, the better the coverage.
Things with flowers will draw people's attention to the flowers, not your herbs...
And you get some nice additions to your kitchen plate.

All the best!
I’ll be preparing the soil mix as soon as the worm poop arrives. Can anyone point me to a good guide/ YouTube video? on how to prepare the mix properly?

@hecno @Maria Sanchez @islandgrower @912GreenSkell

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Don't know many guides, but for myself,
I like to throw everything in a very, very large container,
like those storage boxes, and mix it in layer after layer.

Some might like super-soil style, though,
which means the soil is not even all the way through.
May have more nutrients like your worm casings down the bottom,
and lighter up top.
The idea being that the roots only hit the stronger stuff
once the plants are more mature, when they are ready for it.

But Google away. Or ask the masters here at AFN (not me!)
If I can, have the time, once soil is mixed / prepped,
I like to water to full run-off, but also let that sit for a good 24 hrs.
Let it all stabilize, and avoid any dry spots.

When I've done a few coco-soil mixes,
I do the coco alone first, and soak it in a big plastic sack.
(Old soil bag.) Let it sit for hours, to stabilize.
Then I just punch holes in the bottom of the bag
to let the water slowly drain. Maybe pH test.
Then mix my nutes (was using AN coco bloom),
and pout in again.
The holes let it drain, but it's very slow,
so this gives it time to really soak into the coco.
My coco quality wasn't great to begin with,
but with this method the results were excellent.
@Equatorial Are you wanting to build organic soil .

I had thought of it, as the advantages seems attractive. Read a bit on AFN and googling. But quickly realised many items are not easily available. Not to mention the technical know how involved may very likely overwhelm me. Cooking, composting etc

So got to go with what I can get! Trying to buy as organic as I can get in order to minimise chances of nute burn, taste better etc

Just trying to accomplish all the objectives of this project when I planned it: Grow the plants in my home setting using stuff relatively easy to get in my region using the best techniques to get the most decent yields. Then I can hopefully make a guide in the local language and let it just help whoever it can!

Of course, I’m not that noble. A big part of what I’m doing is for myself and my family. The reason I hope to be able to share privately with my dear dear mentors here. I’m especially grateful to @Maria Sanchez @islandgrower and yourself! You guys take time to reply to my questions and I just want u guys to know I appreciate it, very much!

So just chime in anytime with any advice u might have! Every little comment and guidance helps....

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If I can, have the time, once soil is mixed / prepped,
I like to water to full run-off, but also let that sit for a good 24 hrs.
Let it all stabilize, and avoid any dry spots.

When I've done a few coco-soil mixes,
I do the coco alone first, and soak it in a big plastic sack.
(Old soil bag.) Let it sit for hours, to stabilize.
Then I just punch holes in the bottom of the bag
to let the water slowly drain. Maybe pH test.
Then mix my nutes (was using AN coco bloom),
and pout in again.
The holes let it drain, but it's very slow,
so this gives it time to really soak into the coco.
My coco quality wasn't great to begin with,
but with this method the results were excellent.

You are a darling, my dear Maria!

I read this in your diaries but got confused with soil/ soiless - coco/perlite. You cleared it for me perfectly! If I had u as a teacher in school, you might be looking at Prof Equatorial as my nickname!

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