New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Is it essential to use small pots first? I would like to avoid having too many pots lying around. Can I start straight from the 5 gallon pots? I have thought of using perhaps rockwool to germinate and then just transplant the whole thing with rockwool on it to the 5gallon pots. But decided against it in the end. I do understand that watering in 5gallon pots may be difficult for a beginner but the hot weather + fabric pots should make things easier I guess.

Not essential at all. But to start indoors they are easier to move arrange and position.
Then, just into the dirt outside, no pots. Fine.

Rockwool doesn't have any nutes. Fine for clones or seedling up to a few days old.
But after that, you'll need some kind of nutes for rockwool.

Watering big pots is more work, yes. And mostly wasted when they are small.

I'm still undecided with soaking or not? My seeds are from seedsman and they seem to be good. Should be good fresh seeds all auto and feminized. Therefore, is the soaking still necessary? I read that it could result in mold if soaked and that's a REAL problem with our weather.

Not 100% necessary. Only risky if soaked too long, IME.
As in, more than say 48 hrs. Less than that, no prob.

You probably guessed my neighbor country but you are right nevertheless. Safety is paramount. That's y I'm only considering autos and will make a little shed + some stealth tips. A greenhouse is probably an overkill in our climate but the idea is so cool. Some portable ones from China are so cheap that I'm tempted to buy one or

No need to tell me where you are. Keep safe, including online. :D
Cheap Chinese stuff is not a bad option, haha.

Thank you so much for helping out. I fully understand that no one here is obligated to help me. This makes me appreciate it even more, really!

You're welcome. All the best.
My potting soil says PH 6-7. I suppose a small variation should be fine? It's one of the most reputable brand here. No NPK info though but the 6 ingredients I listed, will they contain enough nutes for my purpose? How do I go to my local shop and ask for 255 or 522 ratio of NPK? I was told to just cut recommended amounts of any nutes to half for autos. True?

pH 6-7 is good. No prob.
Should have enough nutes for a few weeks of growth at least.

Most ferts / nutes will have NPK ratios on them.
If they don't, then don't buy, must be a shit brand.

Don't use nutes straight away.
Then, maybe week 3, 4 or 5 try 1/2 strength.
Then after a week or two, up to full strength.

You'll slowly learn to read the plants themselves.
Know what they want / need.

I'm also really confused about perlite amount? I saw YouTube vids of ppl using up to 50% by my calculations. Yet Mandalay seeds says not to add any! I thought 30% would be a good middle ground but you advised me to add 10% to 20%. If you were me, would you add 10% or 20%? And should they be counted when wet or dry? How do I best quantify perlite?

Perlite is good for high drainage.
If you get heavy rain, then a little more is fine.
Remember perlite has no nutrients effectively itself.
So, lots of perlite is just a medium for the roots,
but provides no food for them at all.

If you're doing 5 gal pots, then max of 1 gal perlite, I'd say.
It's volume, not weight, so dry / wet is not an issue.

1 gal is 3.7 liters, so about 10-12 cups (reg size).

What do u suggest for seedling soil? My local shop has them but it's basically peat moss and humus.

Peat moss and humus is standard seedling mix.
Sounds good to go.

Also I checked my weather app and it says humidity is 58% but it's a very hot day today. My mid day temp does exceed 35 at times. It always say lower like today it says 32 but says it feels like 41. Again, I'm confused so any help is appreciated. My local shop guy said pretty much the same as you. But no small pots or water soaking. Instead of by a window, the guy suggested car porch (behind house gate). And also mentioned the acclimating part. Suggested that I put a tent of black nettings just to give a little shade when put fully outdoors. But I told him I'm planting tomatoes and other similar stuff. LOL

Oh, 58% is about perfect for most of your grow.
Maybe use some plastic wrap over the pot when sprouting the seed.

Once your plant is over 1-2 weeks old, then leave it.
In flowering, ideally want RH about 40%-60%.
So, you're in a good range!
Will fluctuate with weather, e.g. more rain usually higher RH.

Car porch behind house gate sounds good, if it gets the light.

For shade, netting / cloth is good if you can set it up
so you can cover over and take off as you like.
When it gets real hot midday / early afternoon, then cover up.

"For my tomatoes" is standard line.
Though... canna nute requirements a bit different.
Otherwise, works ok, usually.

I hope u guys can understand how confused I am. Once again, much appreciated!

No prob. Just hope we're not giving you contradictory info.

In the end, you'll have to find out what works for you and your situation.
Everyone's a little different, but we can still learn.

Hecno and Greenskell are very experienced growers.
I'll probably soak them 12-24 hours and whether or not it sprouts, will plant them in final pot with a little seedling soil. Final soil will be potting mix + no more than 20% perlite. Will cover with cling wrap until it sprouts.

Will put them on a balcony that has a shade and only gets direct sun from morning to afternoon. The shade probably makes direct sun lesser. OR I just put them by the window of the balcony so it gets light through a glass door?

Will I be able to decide after 2-3 weeks if I should leave it on the balcony till the end, or if I should move it downstairs to my garden (which is just an empty land with grass).The "garden" has a spot that gets sunlight all day. But I am extremely worried about the few hours that get really hot in the day. I'm talking bout u feel your skin getting burned kinda hot! Not sure if those black mesh nets are gonna help. That's y I'm considering all the way on the shaded balcony. Basically an open balcony with an extended roof. Not great on sunlight but good morning to afternoon sun. Even so, im worried it may get too hot. Balcony is great for security though

Maria? Heckno? Greenskell?
One thing to remember , when you say temp, have you recorded the temp yourself or is it off a weather site , Because you will find micro climates as well .I will give you an example . Where I live the official temp can be 34c , but at home it can be 41c , this happened to my on a number of times this year .In the tropics mate , it is all about keeping the soil cool , so the more you do to insulate the pot [ soil ] the better off you will be . It is a hard time of year to be growing in pots for use at our latitude .It can be done , but we will not get the full potential of the plant .
One thing to remember , when you say temp, have you recorded the temp yourself or is it off a weather site , Because you will find micro climates as well .I will give you an example . Where I live the official temp can be 34c , but at home it can be 41c , this happened to my on a number of times this year .In the tropics mate , it is all about keeping the soil cool , so the more you do to insulate the pot [ soil ] the better off you will be . It is a hard time of year to be growing in pots for use at our latitude .It can be done , but we will not get the full potential of the plant .

I have started recording temps from yesterday and comparing them to see accuracy. The weather here is pretty much the same all year round with some months having more rain due to the monsoon season. Other than that, pretty stable all year long with some occasional crazy that is pretty much experienced all around the world.

So I don't really think its crucial to select a particular time of the year based on my climate. Especially since I'll most likely put them mostly on a balcony with extended roof/shade. Be lucky to get 5-7 hours direct morning to afternoon sun. After that will be bright but no direct sun.

But the insulation on top of soil is a great tip. I do see most potted plants around here having them.

If doing it like I described, what kinda yield can I expect to consider this first grow a relative success? I know it's a difficult question but an estimate would do. Would be cool to see who guessed it right in the end. Or if it all dies in my hands? ROFL
I'll probably soak them 12-24 hours and whether or not it sprouts, will plant them in final pot with a little seedling soil. Final soil will be potting mix + no more than 20% perlite. Will cover with cling wrap until it sprouts.

Sounds like a plan!

Will put them on a balcony that has a shade and only gets direct sun from morning to afternoon. The shade probably makes direct sun lesser. OR I just put them by the window of the balcony so it gets light through a glass door?

Either / or.

Will I be able to decide after 2-3 weeks if I should leave it on the balcony till the end, or if I should move it downstairs to my garden (which is just an empty land with grass).The "garden" has a spot that gets sunlight all day. But I am extremely worried about the few hours that get really hot in the day. I'm talking bout u feel your skin getting burned kinda hot! Not sure if those black mesh nets are gonna help. That's y I'm considering all the way on the shaded balcony. Basically an open balcony with an extended roof. Not great on sunlight but good morning to afternoon sun. Even so, im worried it may get too hot. Balcony is great for security though

Sure. After 2-3 weeks you'll be able to have a good idea how they're doing.
If plants start in hot environments, then usually they're pretty darn tough.
The usual idea is at least 7 hrs of direct sunlight, but of course 12+ of any light.

Maria? Heckno? Greenskell?

If you want to tag someone, just put a "@" then their name immediately after, no break.
<@maria sanchez> without the < >.
Then we'll get an "Alert" though the AFN system.
Like, if I put @Equatorial you should get an "Alert" on your top right corner.
Sounds like a plan!

Either / or.

Sure. After 2-3 weeks you'll be able to have a good idea how they're doing.
If plants start in hot environments, then usually they're pretty darn tough.
The usual idea is at least 7 hrs of direct sunlight, but of course 12+ of any light.

If you want to tag someone, just put a "@" then their name immediately after, no break.
<@maria sanchez> without the < >.
Then we'll get an "Alert" though the AFN system.
Like, if I put @Equatorial you should get an "Alert" on your top right corner.

As usual, thanks in bunches! U guys will always be my original mentors! If u guys ever come to my place for a vacation, u will have me as a guide and hopefully I will have some good buds to share!