New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

First trichome shots of my life. They suck balls though but I want to share my first time with my peeps on AFN. Its much much more difficult than it looks but I did admit earlier that i SUCK at taking pics.





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First trichome shots of my life. They suck balls though but I want to share my first time with my peeps on AFN. Its much much more difficult than it looks but I did admit earlier that i SUCK at taking pics.





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Very good pics. If you zoom with your camera you can get closer using the loop.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
Day 63

Woohoo....Week 9. One more step closer. Feelings of thankful overwhelms me every day.

The last week was a week of me going back on my word quite a bit. This does not usually happen. I take my integrity very seriously. For instance, i have never screwed anyone over in my life! Although I've been screwed over plenty of times due to my trusting nature. I come from a very humble background but have never borrowed money from anyone in my life! I feel it has to be a matter of life & death before I'll open my mouth. Thank heavens that has not happened yet.

Anyways, you guys should be used to me going one full circle just to convey one

I mentioned that I'll put the side lights back on after I chop a plant. I put it back on yesterday.....but not on the floor like last time but higher up at an angle that covers every part of every plant more evenly. I just like the colors too much....I think I may have a

Secondly, I said I'll use MegaCrop and their line of nutes from next grow onwards. Thing is this, my Growth Technology Bloom nutes ran out. A litre bottle sells for USD25 and 5 litre is USD50++. I know, its ridiculous! I can buy 10kg of MC at the same price and lasts MUCH longer. Probably have to put them in small containers, tape them up and store them. Finish them up one by one so i don't open one big bag all the time and expose them to moisture. Also bought Sweet Candy, Red Line and Mother Monarch. If not cos of the max flat rate shipping, i would probably not get those extras. I explained my choice of selection on the Greenleaf section so wont go into details here.

Ok then. Now that i got this off my chest...its update time. Fed the girls with 5ml/l of Ionic Bloom + 2ml/l CalMag + 2 big tbsp of Molasses + some Mangrove Wood Vinegar and Liquid Silicone to bring PH slightly below 6.2. Mixed 20 litres for 5 plants.

The larger plants are getting darker but slowly. I struggled with whether to add 3ml CalMag or just 2ml. I decided on lesser. Ideally, 3ml for larger plants and 2ml for smaller or darker plants. But don't wanna make separate mixes. I'm quite close now. Don't wanna compromise so close to the end. Will leave individualized feeding for next grow to see difference.






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You're going to hit a pound here, I think, amigo.

Can you please try a single bud shot or two next round?
And maybe something to show scale.
Not necessarily a ruler, but some standard sized object.

Loving it!!!!!!!!!
Got your drying plan sorted out?
Again, with high humidity, it'll be important.
Don't want to lose it in the drying process...
You're going to hit a pound here, I think, amigo.

Can you please try a single bud shot or two next round?
And maybe something to show scale.
Not necessarily a ruler, but some standard sized object.

Loving it!!!!!!!!!
A pound? I guess with 5 full grown plants, its not impossible? I dare not think too far ahead though. Do you remember patiently answering all my noobish questions one by one? That was just a little over 2 months ago! Baby

I've been telling myself to move them to a spot and take some good pics. At least try to. I said I'll do it on week 8. Its week 9 now and I'm just too lazy and somehow I know the pics will suck. I'll try taking some shots tomorrow or soonest.

Got your drying plan sorted out?
Again, with high humidity, it'll be important.
Don't want to lose it in the drying process...
Yup. Have applied permission from wifey to use the AC in the spare room for drying. The AC gives a perfect drying environment of around 25C to 27C and between late 40s to mid 50s RH. Will try without AC with small batch next grow cos I'd have enough supply by then. Can afford to make more mistakes. Hope it all works out. The first plant I harvest, I'll probably start smoking after drying and smoke them throughout the curing process to see if I can taste the difference?

Thing is, i don't have a gourmet's taste buds. Give me a $500 and $15 bottle of wine and I can't tell which is better? Same with tobacco and cigars though I'm not a smoker. Also smoked popcorns and good bag appeal buds and can't really tell the difference too. So lets see if i can tell with my own grown buds? Even if its a placebo effect will be good enough for me. Just wanna feel what the buzz is all about,
Maria reminded me of what a procrastinator I am. I told myself I would start taking pics but am just too lazy. So this is what I'm gonna do. Take pics of plants one by one. This will help me get better at taking pics and I can practice along the way. We'll start with plants that will obviously finish first. So todays leading lady will be PE1

64 Days old starting to get very cloudy. She was one of the biggest growing up but is now second smallest. I stressed her bad by breaking (Bad break...just clinging for life) a main cola and a branch in 3 days. After that, i left her alone for quite some time. She just started flowering and is well ahead of other plants. Could make a hypothesis based on this but would not represent much. Still looks like a great yield if my noob eyes serves me right.







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Sorry for so many posts these few days. But I JUST realized that I've been getting reputation and I had NO idea. I see ppl talking about it but never thought it applied to me.

Notifications was not working so I went on Web View to see what I missed. I clicked on my own profile and saw the reputation tab. I'm SO sorry for not noticing earlier! Still don't know what its for though but if ppl took the time to rep me, it must be a good thing! Why don't I get notifications about this? Also checked the badges tab but nothing lol..

So let me thank each one of you guys…and gals

@Maria Sanchez

Thank you...u amazing ppl!

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Sorry for so many posts these few days. But I JUST realized that I've been getting reputation and I had NO idea. I see ppl talking about it but never thought it applied to me.

Notifications was not working so I went on Web View to see what I missed. I clicked on my own profile and saw the reputation tab. I'm SO sorry for not noticing earlier! Still don't know what its for though but if ppl took the time to rep me, it must be a good thing! Why don't I get notifications about this? Also checked the badges tab but nothing lol..

So let me thank each one of you guys…and gals

@Maria Sanchez

Thank you...u amazing ppl!

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You deserve all the rep given .

As for badges you would have to go on live stoners and advise @Rebel I think of which badges you qualify for if I am not mistaken . . First special kush
2 ww next

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'