New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

I think i may have too many. At least 2 dozen seeds all autos. Gonna take me ages if they all pop.

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Okay Equatorial, I will have to call you out on one major newbie mistake.......No Such Thing As Too Many Seeds!!!!! :biggrin: You are a quick study, so I see some breeding in your near future. My first indoor run was with Himalaya Blue Diesel in 2011. (reg. seeds no fems) I made seeds (250-300), and also kept some pollen. I just finished my 10th run of BHD, and made more seeds. I also crossed the BHD male pollen with Mephisto's Alien vs Triangle. They have a while to go, but I can't wait! Also waiting for these crosses: BHD x Auto Super Skunk, BHD x Beary White and BHD x Skylar White. I only have names for 3 so far: Blueberry White, Sky Blue [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and Super Skunkberry. No name for BHD x A vs T. Open to suggestions.
At the moment, gonna keep the space as it is. Wanna get my growing dialed in before even thinking about expanding. I'm pretty much winging it at the moment.

Don't plan to do more than 4 plants next round. Wanna see what I can do with less space restrictions. I'm hopeful that 4 plants will at least lower humidity a little in the grow area.

I feel that i can grow the AAH1 much larger than she already is, if i could spread her wider. But as it is, she is already big! I read grow journals on this strain and the buds don't seem to get big. Its a sativa heavy strain. To my surprise, they are fattening up. None like the pics i see online.

Some pics on day 57 for my big bro and u alls!





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I really am impressed with your plants!! Keep that fan circulating as much as you can across the colas and you are gonna have a solid run!! Training is really A-1
At the moment, gonna keep the space as it is. Wanna get my growing dialed in before even thinking about expanding. I'm pretty much winging it at the moment.

Don't plan to do more than 4 plants next round. Wanna see what I can do with less space restrictions. I'm hopeful that 4 plants will at least lower humidity a little in the grow area.

I feel that i can grow the AAH1 much larger than she already is, if i could spread her wider. But as it is, she is already big! I read grow journals on this strain and the buds don't seem to get big. Its a sativa heavy strain. To my surprise, they are fattening up. None like the pics i see online.

Some pics on day 57 for my big bro and u alls!





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@Equatorial I know that opinions differ a bit on plant count. I usually go with less (6 instead of 9 in 3'x3') due to the increased light penetration, air flow and increased transpiration rate. (less pots, less humidity) I have also run 16 in that same space. Strain selection is key when choosing plant count. You don't want to run 4 buckets with a strain that typically yields 40g a plant,unless doing a SOG. I have 3 cabinets going, with autos and photos growing simultaneously; a 3'x3', 4'x4' and a 5'x4'. The 2 smaller cabs are photos and the 5'x4' is my auto cab. I have 11 strains hanging now for 4/20. Can anybody say, Strain Whore?! Guilty as charged, sir. :cheers: I did a SOG grow with 12 buckets, and ran photos at 12/12 from seed. That was just in the 3'x3'. Here is a pic. :peace:

Okay Equatorial, I will have to call you out on one major newbie mistake.......No Such Thing As Too Many Seeds!!!!! :biggrin: You are a quick study, so I see some breeding in your near future. My first indoor run was with Himalaya Blue Diesel in 2011. (reg. seeds no fems) I made seeds (250-300), and also kept some pollen. I just finished my 10th run of BHD, and made more seeds. I also crossed the BHD male pollen with Mephisto's Alien vs Triangle. They have a while to go, but I can't wait! Also waiting for these crosses: BHD x Auto Super Skunk, BHD x Beary White and BHD x Skylar White. I only have names for 3 so far: Blueberry White, Sky Blue [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and Super Skunkberry. No name for BHD x A vs T. Open to suggestions.

@Equatorial I know that opinions differ a bit on plant count. I usually go with less (6 instead of 9 in 3'x3') due to the increased light penetration, air flow and increased transpiration rate. (less pots, less humidity) I have also run 16 in that same space. Strain selection is key when choosing plant count. You don't want to run 4 buckets with a strain that typically yields 40g a plant,unless doing a SOG. I have 3 cabinets going, with autos and photos growing simultaneously; a 3'x3', 4'x4' and a 5'x4'. The 2 smaller cabs are photos and the 5'x4' is my auto cab. I have 11 strains hanging now for 4/20. Can anybody say, Strain Whore?! Guilty as charged, sir. :cheers: I did a SOG grow with 12 buckets, and ran photos at 12/12 from seed. That was just in the 3'x3'. Here is a pic. :peace:

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Thank you so much for thinking so highly of me. I just hope I don't disappoint. Do remember I was someone who did not know what NPK was just 2 months ago. Breeding and spacing issues is something Ive been reading on too but not very seriously. Mainly reading @912GreenSkell thread where the guys talk about it. Many things i dont understand and did not read further on.

Again, I expect to get my growing dialed in before venturing too far. I am satisfied with all the things I've tried so far and feel I should digest and improve on current techniques before doing anything too advanced. Gotta get my foundation strong first. Also need to make good with wifey. It took a lot of love for me, for her to agree letting me grow. So i don't wanna overwhelm her in such a short time. I just want to complete this grow to my best and take the experience with me for the next grow. Will still be adventurous the next grow cos i would have med supply to last a while. Can afford to make more mistakes. Lets just take it from there and I'll still be counting on you guys for help. So don't you guys dare leave me alone!
I really am impressed with your plants!! Keep that fan circulating as much as you can across the colas and you are gonna have a solid run!! Training is really A-1

Will do, Sir! And on behalf of the plants, I thank you!

One thing...have you cleaned out underformed buds and shoots underneath the canopy? It'll help increase the upper canopy formation of flower and also increase circulation.
I removed some more than others. I left varying degrees of popcorn buds on. Mainly cos I'd want to experience harvesting popcorns too LOL! I also wanna see how big i can grow these popcorns so I can realistically decide if I wanna keep them next round? Or toss them? How can I decide to toss them without even knowing how they look like? I once smoked popcorns exclusively for a while cos i got them free. Never had an issue with them. On some plants, they are almost gone though. For comparison purposes.

By many standards, I have probably removed too many leaves. So circulation is not an issue especially with fan on and they are exposed to outside air to begin with. Its the hot and humid that worries me. But so far so good! Air, temps and humidity. When i have 2 out of 3 not in my favor, you can understand my concerns? But I'm still feeling optimistic and positive! So lets just wait and see!
Thank you so much for thinking so highly of me. I just hope I don't disappoint. Do remember I was someone who did not know what NPK was just 2 months ago. Breeding and spacing issues is something Ive been reading on too but not very seriously. Mainly reading @912GreenSkell thread where the guys talk about it. Many things i dont understand and did not read further on.

It doesn't matter what you know...only what you are doing matters!! And you are doing a fine job...amazing for your first grow.

I know all about heat and high humidity....when i do autos outdoors my conditions in the midsummer are very adverse...when it gets hot, it get humid....70% average is what i deal with all season during flower of the autos in the midsummer, so i know exactly what you are talking about!!
I removed some more than others. I left varying degrees of popcorn buds on. Mainly cos I'd want to experience harvesting popcorns too LOL! I also wanna see how big i can grow these popcorns so I can realistically decide if I wanna keep them next round? Or toss them? How can I decide to toss them without even knowing how they look like? I once smoked popcorns exclusively for a while cos i got them free. Never had an issue with them. On some plants, they are almost gone though. For comparison purposes.

I totally get it....and I like the experimental mind frame you have!! I can already tell....give you a few runs and you are going to be an exceptional grower!!
I totally get it....and I like the experimental mind frame you have!! I can already tell....give you a few runs and you are going to be an exceptional grower!!
You are so right . He has been bitten and he embraced it. And by the looks of it is killing it. Great job @Equatorial. Love the look of the garden.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
Thank you so much for thinking so highly of me. I just hope I don't disappoint. Do remember I was someone who did not know what NPK was just 2 months ago. Breeding and spacing issues is something Ive been reading on too but not very seriously. Mainly reading @912GreenSkell thread where the guys talk about it. Many things i dont understand and did not read further on.

Again, I expect to get my growing dialed in before venturing too far. I am satisfied with all the things I've tried so far and feel I should digest and improve on current techniques before doing anything too advanced. Gotta get my foundation strong first. Also need to make good with wifey. It took a lot of love for me, for her to agree letting me grow. So i don't wanna overwhelm her in such a short time. I just want to complete this grow to my best and take the experience with me for the next grow. Will still be adventurous the next grow cos i would have med supply to last a while. Can afford to make more mistakes. Lets just take it from there and I'll still be counting on you guys for help. So don't you guys dare leave me alone!

Oh yeah brother, I'm talking future endeavors. I would definitely not suggest that you try much of anything else right now. Dialing in the basics is the most important thing. Playing around with spacing, lighting and bending are plenty to keep you busy for a while. Also, I have been single for 8 years, so I sometimes don't take into consideration that most people aren't. You are doing great with what your rocking so far, brother. :peace: