New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

Status of the tent
Looking lush as always bro see with the pile of trim what u do with it I'm eager to learn as I uzaly throw it away
Looking lush as always bro see with the pile of trim what u do with it I'm eager to learn as I uzaly throw it away
yea bailey i will BHO it with the mason jar method... i did a write up on it in the private BHO section and deleted it off of my logs
o @Bailey thank you.. and i cant believe you throw away the trim! i got over a gram of great bho just off 14 grams of dried trim from the WCOG
o @Bailey thank you.. and i cant believe you throw away the trim! i got over a gram of great bho just off 14 grams of dried trim from the WCOG
I know please pm a link to making it as I'm a total noob and don't have a freaking clue what to do
I know please pm a link to making it as I'm a total noob and don't have a freaking clue what to do
you would have to go to the hash making section and on top stickied these is a thread for it that you gotta consent to and then PM son of hobbs and request access to it