Outdoor First outdoor grow with Dutch passion autos

Jul 8, 2016
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So, this will be my first outdoor grow ever. I will use NPK tabs to keep things simple and plant into the ground. I have 50L Plagron lightmix which I will use for 6 plants. I also added some dolomite lime to soil, just because I have it on hand. So nothing else, only water from now on. I don't know if I must pH water or not?

Native soil is silt loam (if I translated correctly) with pH around 7, with 5-10% of carbonates and with around 65% silt (translate correct?), 20% sand and 15% clay. I know that because I had to inspect soil horizonts back in school. Here is the picture of soil horizonts:

I will dig around 30cm into the ground and put there 8L of Plagron lightmix with NPK tabs. I think roots will expand into native soil, and will not grow only in those 8L.

Goal is at least 60g per plant, so around 30-40% of what I get indoors. Being my first outdoor grow, some says number is high, but I say goals must be high!

I have one big yielder strain and one typical outdoor strain... Dutch passion Auto ultimate and Auto frisian dew. Right now, they're germinating directly in pots. AU is in 1L pots and AFD is in some smaller pots, I don't know how much they hold. Should be fine for 2-3 weeks indoors if we get by plant width.

This is for now to see how things will going. I have some Green poison F1 fast seeds, I want to try. Maybe later on, I hear it's a great strain. But for now, as I only have experience with autos, AU and AFD are on the test. Let's see how good is my weather, soil and the ground.

Looking for some inputs from master outdoor growers, come join me please.
@912GreenSkell @Vlad The Inhaler @Belivitez @trailanimal @captcold @TheMongol @Waira @Growtogrow @islandgrower @Maria Sanchez @SUNDOG @mohawk warrior @fryge @TheMongol @Biotabs F69 @Ryker604_BT @Hippy_BiotabsF70
So, this will be my first outdoor grow ever.

Yeah!!! If your outdoor growing is anywhere near as good as your indoor, we're in for a treat!!!

I will use NPK tabs to keep things simple and plant into the ground. I have 50L Plagron lightmix which I will use for 6 plants. I also added some dolomite lime to soil, just because I have it on hand. So nothing else, only water from now on. I don't know if I must pH water or not?

Cool. You say below that soil pH is 7.0, and lime usually corrects back to 7.0 (if I recall correctly), so it should be fairly stable at around 7.0.
But... is that where you want it? Or do you want the usual 5.8-6.5 pH for soil?

Depends what your usual watering pH is. I assume you know... Or are you relying a lot on rain water?
My local rain water is quite acidic, too close to industrial cities.... sigh...
Should be able to find this info from local met office, perhaps.
I aim for soil pH naturally a bit higher, and count on the low pH rain water to balance. (Hopefully....)

Native soil is silt loam (if I translated correctly) with pH around 7, with 5-10% of carbonates and with around 65% silt (translate correct?), 20% sand and 15% clay. I know that because I had to inspect soil horizonts back in school. Here is the picture of soil horizonts:

All spelled correctly. It looks like pretty good soil to me!
Maybe something to lighten it up, like perlite.
But depends on rainfall, perhaps, whether heavy rainfall you want it to drain faster or not.

I will dig around 30cm into the ground and put there 8L of Plagron lightmix with NPK tabs. I think roots will expand into native soil, and will not grow only in those 8L.

Good. That native soil looks good. I'm sure they'll grow into sooner or later.

Goal is at least 60g per plant, so around 30-40% of what I get indoors. Being my first outdoor grow, some says number is high, but I say goals must be high!

Hard to say. Depends on so many factors. Sunlight a big one.
Surely possible. Just remember this isn't indoor hydro under HPS, haha!

I have one big yielder strain and one typical outdoor strain... Dutch passion Auto ultimate and Auto frisian dew. Right now, they're germinating directly in pots. AU is in 1L pots and AFD is in some smaller pots, I don't know how much they hold. Should be fine for 2-3 weeks indoors if we get by plant width.

Oh, nice. I would love to try Auto Ultimate at some point, looks so good!
Should be okay for about 3 weeks I'd say.
I have plants in 0.5L pots which push roots to the bottom in 2 weeks, and are kind of filled by 3.
So 1.0 L should be fine, should be better.

This is for now to see how things will going. I have some Green poison F1 fast seeds, I want to try. Maybe later on, I hear it's a great strain. But for now, as I only have experience with autos, AU and AFD are on the test. Let's see how good is my weather, soil and the ground.

Good idea to stagger them. Get a feel for it with some testers, and then go all in.

Please try to get some good local meteorological information for your location.
Temps, high and low, and averages, rainfall, and rainy days, sunlight hours, rainfall pH... the more the better.

Looking for some inputs from master outdoor growers, come join me please.

Not a master, but am keen to see what you can produce with your growing skills.
I used to do indoors, and only tried outdoors very recently.

Go for it!!!!
Thanks for response, @Maria Sanchez !!

I added dolomite lime because of Ca and Mg. I don't undestand your question, where I want pH to be? I don't know where pH need to be, I think soil grows should be between 6 and 7?
In coco I use whole range between 5.6 and 6.5. So I guess soil needs to be higher at least 0.5. So this falls between 6 and 7.
I decided for that grow with dolomite lime and NPK tabs because here rains around 10 days per month (june, july, august), give or take 2 days. So when rains, I don't need to go to water plants. Less work for me. I have rain water and tap water, both are pretty much at the same pH around 6.9-7.3. I can pH it, no problem. But I don't know if I need to or not.
I have open sun location, I think at least 6 hours per day is direct sunlight. I am little worried about that, because in mid summer temps on the sun goes above 50°C. In shadow it's 30-35°C usually. We shall see...
No outdoor experience whatsoever but glad to follow another one of your threads :toke:. Also very interested in this as I live in a good area for outdoor growing and really want to give it a try :smokeit:.

Good luck Konop!
No outdoor experience whatsoever but glad to follow another one of your threads :toke:. Also very interested in this as I live in a good area for outdoor growing and really want to give it a try :smokeit:.

Good luck Konop!
If i would live in your area, man, i could grow others outdoors:smoking:
@KonopCh first ever outdoor grow? wow!!! :d5: like i see you have good native soil... becareful with organic pelets. Wild animals love smell and they will dig your plants out if you dont have fence....

write on pm if you have any question :toke:
Some great lookin dirt...
And yes... get that chicken wire ready!
Who was that who had there babies murdered by the deer in the outdoor competition @912GreenSkell ?? Poor bastard had The fencing and everything.

I’m along for this one.. good luck buds