New Grower First grow: the good, the bad & the ugly.

CBD Crack day 49

Not ever having done this before, is it "normal" to have pistils begin to change color at this age? Seems like the buds are just now beginning to put on weight.

cbdc 1 day 49.jpeg

Thanks in advance!
Yeah they will do that quite a while, I usually let my plants go till there are about 20 percent white pistils left and the rest are orange or brown that is when it is around 20 percent to half amber depends on how you want your trichs but the pistils are one of the indicators of ripeness along with actually checking trichs of course and when the buds swell around the pistils yours look like they are just starting to change color.
Yeah they will do that quite a while, I usually let my plants go till there are about 20 percent white pistils left and the rest are orange or brown that is when it is around 20 percent to half amber depends on how you want your trichs but the pistils are one of the indicators of ripeness along with actually checking trichs of course and when the buds swell around the pistils yours look like they are just starting to change color.

Good deal - thanks again!
CBD Crack day 67. Been on Ph'd water until harvest. Trichs are all cloudy - without any past experience I'd hasten to guess another 7-10 days.
CBDC 1 day 67.jpeg

Upon closer inspection, I discovered what I'm guessing is bud rot in a small area near the base of the plant. Wouldn't be surprising as there is so much bushy foliage. Been very hesitant to snip and clip much of anything....all part of learning what I can and can't do with this strain. Continuing to work at opening up the canopy further/judicial fan leaf pruning would have helped with air flow. Next time.
CBDC 1 bud rot.jpeg

Purely from an analytical standpoint (*wink-wink*), a small bud was snipped and dried. Super happy with the initial trail run - the effects of the 1:1 THC/CBD ratio is just what I'd been hoping for.

The Cheese day 85.
Cheese day 85.jpeg

The photo period cardboard box grow, week 5: Bruce Banner, Skywalker OG and Crtical Kush in one gallon pots. These plants drink like crazy and I let them get a little too dry.
BB 1.jpeg

Feel free to let me know what your thoughts are on the potential bud rot finding - thanks!
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