Hey guys i've been browsing the site for a while but you seem a very friendly bunch of people so thought i would join in!
I have about 8x2x5ft of space
I am running the light & fan's on 12/12, Mainly because they are about 3ft from my bed aha
250w Powerplant HPS bulb & ballast
5" Cooltube
Homemade seedling light
Canna Terra professional soil + 1/3 perlite
Can't decide between canna's terra or bioterra range at the moment, but seedlings are on a weak solution of canna start now.
All will end up in 11l square pots
Still need to get a suitable exhaust fan, have a desk fan blowing on the cooltube to keep temps down at the moment
I have 5x Mi5 in there at the moment, along with two big bud & one big bud x NL photos'
Any advice or criticism welcome!
I have about 8x2x5ft of space
I am running the light & fan's on 12/12, Mainly because they are about 3ft from my bed aha
250w Powerplant HPS bulb & ballast
5" Cooltube
Homemade seedling light
Canna Terra professional soil + 1/3 perlite
Can't decide between canna's terra or bioterra range at the moment, but seedlings are on a weak solution of canna start now.
All will end up in 11l square pots
Still need to get a suitable exhaust fan, have a desk fan blowing on the cooltube to keep temps down at the moment
I have 5x Mi5 in there at the moment, along with two big bud & one big bud x NL photos'
Any advice or criticism welcome!
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