New Grower First Grow: Pink Lady and Lowryder #2 with chronic ryders to come

Updates: chugging right along

Boudicca is curing up nicely. The smell is starting to return but it definitely needs another week or two in the jar. Smoked a bowl of her yesterday. Very smooth and nice smoke with a cerebral high but a lot more mellow than the first test bud we clipped. Still a nice energetic high though. Can't wait till it is fully cured. Got a dry weight of 17.5g's and we probably smoked at least 1g before weighing so Im calling her a 18.5g total yield. We are quite happy with how she turned out despite being stunted by several mistakes along the way.


Arwen is on day 52 and seems to still be doing ok. She has lost a lot of foliage but her buds still seem to be growing and as you can see she looks pretty weird for a low ryder. She has started to pack on a lot of trichs so I am confident she will still yield something useable. Gave her another feed a couple days ago with some roots organic buddha bloom. Probably just gonna give one more feed of molasses and then water from here on.


Aurora and Eos are on day 36. Aurora seems like she might be getting a bit of Mg def so i gave her molasses in her water yesterday at a very light dose 0.5tsp/gal Eos got just water. They both jumped up another couple inches after the last feed. Eos is about 20" now and Aurora is the tallest girl yet at around 24". Their buds are also growing in nicely. It'll be fun to watch them bulk up.


Inanna is on day 22 and is starting to really outpace Willa and Mina who are only one day behind. Im sure she is loving the extra root space compared to the little 1 gal pots the easy ryders are in. Willa is still considerably taller than Mina but both seem to be doing fine.

Oh yeah you deserve that tiny amount I'm able to give! :slap:
Updates: a lot has been going on

It has been a busy week.

Been changing things up but not keeping good records mainly because I have gotten quite busy recently. Ive started to ph using a drop test for every feed and water and adjusting with citric acid and potassium bicarbonate. Ive started to use roots organic buddha bloom as my flower fert and have been giving it to Eos and Aurora along with ca mg. Ive also started to add a bit of Ca mg in every water and feed because Eos and Aurora also seem to be becoming more deficient. Ive also added a small amount of botanicare rhizoblast into the feedings for the three small ones Willa, Mina, and Inanna. Inanna is going insane but I am withholding recent pics of her for a couple days (definitely not out of laziness...)

Onto the pics I did take:

Group shot from feb 28

Arwen day 58 Im thinking of chopping her soon. 60 Days is what the Dr. ordered and I think that sounds good to me. She seems to have stopped bulking and almost all pistils are orange now. She definitely pulled through and is a really weird yet beautiful plant imo

day 37 day 40 day 42

day 37 day 42
Arwen got the chop

We harvested Arwen yesterday(day 60) and divided her up in to two brown shopping bags to dry. Definitely a better yield then Boudicca. I will update
when i get a dry weight. OK, now onto the pics:

Great looking plant! Looks very tasty!

Pro-tip: ALWAYS zip your pants up before posting pictures like this. LMAO!
I totally just tried to give you some rep points for the unzipped fly pic, but I guess I'm still too much of a newb to do it..
"Size Matters"
Thanks for the attempt at rep giving greenjeans. I can't believe i didn't notice before i posted but it stands as is. I should try to be less high when posting :smoke:.

I've been rather busy lately and haven't had as much time to take pics and update. The deficiencies continued on aurora but have pretty much left eos alone. I think both girls will make it to the finish line though. Inanna is getting bigger and the Easy ryders are starting to flower but are still pretty small.

Arwen felt pretty dry tonight so I finished trimming and jarred her up. I weighed the buds as i did and she yielded 24.5 grams of bud and about 3 grams of sugar trim. The buds are extremely sticky and are already smelling quite dank. We smoked a test bowl and found it to still be a tiny bit harsh but fairly potent. Will do a better smoke report after a week of cure.
Good looks, love the color on arwen.
Updates and photos

Everything has been rolling right along. Here are the girls:

Eos and Aurora day 49


Inanna day 35


Willa and Mina day 34
