New Grower First grow: Outdoor Autos - Mephisto Sour Crack/Sour Bubblin Crack, Ogre, JD Low Ryder, etc.

Jul 14, 2015
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This is my first auto grow. I'm doing it outdoors/guerrilla.
I'm pretty much a newbie. I grew one bag seed last year with terrible results.
It's been a very difficult season for a newbie so far. I lost about fifteen plants early on from animals and flooding. More record-breaking rains and flooding stunted my surviving plants early on. I've encountered a few pest problems too. However, I've got a few survivors that are now starting to flower.

I'll share pictures of them:

Joint Doctor Low Ryder Mix: Sprouted 5/21. Now on Day 54. Very small plant.
JD Low Ryder Pic 1.jpg

JD Low Ryder Pic 2.jpg

Mephisto Sour Bubblin' Crack: Sprouted 5/21. Now on day 54

Mephisto Sour Bubblin Crack pic 1.jpg

Mephisto Sour Bubblin Crack Pic 2.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack: Sprouted 6/8. Now on day 36 - this one had some leaf damage/browning. I'm not sure what caused it. Possibly getting too wet from the flooding we had. It probably went an entire month without drying the soil once. It seems to be recovering though. There are signs of spider mites. I've ordered AzaMax and will be applying in the next day or two when it arrives.

Mephisto Sour Crack 1 pic 1.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack 1 pic 2.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack: Sprouted 6/10. Now on day 34

Mephisto Sour Crack 2 pic 1.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack 2 pic 2.jpg

Joint Doctor Ogre - Sprouted 5/21. Now on day 54. There are signs of possible spider mites. I've ordered some AzaMax to apply. Should be here in the next day or two.

Ogre Auto 1.jpg

Ogre Auto 2.jpg
Thanks, I've got a Dinafem Cheese photo going too. It's not big, but it looks good and healthy. If these autos don't end up giving me much, I hope I can get some from the Cheese. I really just want to end up with enough for my personal stash for the year. 4-5 ounces total would make me happy.

But I'll just have to wait and see what other problems I run into. It's been a learning year for me, that's for sure!

Dinafem Cheese Photo.jpg
Another week has passed, so I'm giving another update.
Keep in mind that I'm a complete newbie here. It's my first time to ever grow autos.
I've only attempted one other grow, a bag seed last year, and it was a complete disaster.
I'll start off with a couple pics of my photos, and then finish with a few pics of my autos.

Any tips, advice, yield predictions (?), etc are more than welcome.

Dinafem Cheese Photo, Day 61
Dinafem Cheese 1.jpg

Female Seeds Indoor Mix Photos
Day 24

Female Seeds Indoor 1.jpg

Female Seeds Indoor 2.jpg

Joint Doctor Lowryder Mix
Day 61

JD Lowryder 1.jpg

Mephisto Sour Bubblin' Crack AUTO
Day 61

Mephisto Sour Bubblin' Crack 2.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack AUTO
Day 43
Mephisto Sour Crack 6-8 1.jpg

Mephisto Sour Crack AUTO
Day 41
Mephisto Sour Crack 6-10 2.jpg

Joint Doctor OGRE Auto
Day 61

Ogre 1.jpg
Keep it up bro. I also started Autos this year due to losing my photo crop to record setting rains. One thing I see neither you or i tried was tying down our plants early on to make them bush. Tying down is something I'm definitely trying on next years outdoor go round, as it seems to make the plants produce quite a bit more. Either way sending some :vibes: your way :goodluck:
NApotguy the rain has been insane here too. It totally flooded my early crop of photos. I lost more than 15 plants including Blue Dream, Northern Lights, etc. I'll have to look into the tie down technique for my next grow. Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for stopping by to check on my outdoor grow.

Temps have remained in the upper 90s all week. Hot and dry. It hasn't rained for about a month now.

I had to make the decision to pull my two Mephisto Sour Crack plants early today. I did it shortly after taking the two pics you see below. They were both becoming infected with bod rot. They also both had powdery mildew pretty bad, and I was afraid if I didn't pull them, they would end up causing harm to my other plants. When I pulled them, the root system was very weak for both of them. They probably stayed too wet because of rain early on which stunted them, and thus made them more susceptible to disease.

I got rid of the bud that was rotten and tried to trim and salvage what I could. It's drying right now. It will be a very low amount.

I've seen signs of powdery mildew on my photos (the Dinafem Cheese and the Female Seeds Indoor Mix.) Since they are only in the very early stages of pre-flower, I've hit them pretty heavy with Immunox. Unfortunately, it slightly burned the leaves of the two Female Seeds plants. However, the powdery mildew no longer seems to be spreading. I guess it was a good trade off. They are already recovering from the burned leaves.I've also started re-applying the Gardensafe fungicide every 3-4 days via foliar spray. I'm just trying to keep them alive.

I've been watering my Lowryder and Sour Bubblin Crack with water and molasses only for the past two waterings. They should be getting pretty close to harvest.

My JD Ogre Auto and my three photos are getting full doses of Jack's Classic every other watering. I alternate the Jack's Classic and Scott's Super Bloom with the Ogre.

I'm beginning to wonder if the JD Ogre's buds will fatten up. Right now they are all really thin and narrow. I'd guess they are about the diameter of a pencil. Is this normal with some strains? Do they get plump the closer they get to harvest? Is there anything I can feed to fatten them?

Comments, suggestions, and input are always appreciated.

DC 73.jpg
FS IM 36.jpg
JDO1 73.jpg
JDO2 73.jpg
LR 73.jpg
LR2 73.jpg
MSBC1 73.jpg
MSBC2 73.jpg
MSC1 53.jpg
MSC2 51.jpg
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I had to harvest my Lowryder today on Day 79. She should have gone another week or two probably, but she was starting to develop bod rot. I was afraid if I let her go, the bud rot would continue to spread. I'm not sure if it was the right call, but it's done now.

Could someone give me some advice on drying? I trimmed all the buds and disposed of the rotted parts, but because of the strong odor, I didn't want to dry the good stuff in my house. So I rigged up a cardboard box with a drying rack on the inside, and I've got my bud drying in an old barn on my property. It's really hot out there. Temps are over 100 degrees outside. Will this be a problem and cause it to dry too fast?
