New Grower first grow, nycd + blue cheese scrog

Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
Hi guys, like I say ive never grown cannabis before (unless you count the time my dog ate my 2 month old plants back when I was 16...).

So I decided to grow autos, quicker harvest, smaller plants and id heard they prefered soil grows. So I got some nyc diesel autos and a free blue cheese auto seed.

I planted 2 nyc and 1 blue cheese each in there own 5 gallon bucket. I used @70% coco coir to @30% of my own compost.
Im using a 300w dual spectrum cfl (currently blue)
I also set up a scrog 10 inches above them.
Im airing on the lighter side of watering due to the lack of perlite and im only using 1/4 strenght nutrients

So right now im at day 25 and im fairly happy with their progress. Theyre just hitting the scrog and I cant see any signs of any major problems

Nyc 1 is o'natural
nycd 1.jpg
nycd 1(.jpg

Nyc 2 got topped around day 16 and got stunted
nycd 2.jpg
nycd 2(.jpg

Bc also got topped but I think I didnt take enough off because the cola didnt split?
blue cheese 1.jpg
blue cheese(.jpg

So, any tips are welcome and much appreciated!! Cheers I will keep you posted!
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id like to introduce myself pal you will get a lot of help on here no nasty comments if you ask a dumb question you look like your onto a great start i will tag along
hi and welcome :pass:
thats a mighty fine looking cuppa hang on a minute..........
dinafem blue cheese ? i grew one it was nice.
tips...its your 1st grow do as little tinkering/messing about as possible,get a harvest then tinker next grow.
good luck n keep er lit.
hi and welcome :pass:
thats a mighty fine looking cuppa hang on a minute..........
dinafem blue cheese ? i grew one it was nice.
tips...its your 1st grow do as little tinkering/messing about as possible,get a harvest then tinker next grow.
good luck n keep er lit.
Cheers man haha its barneys blue cheese (nice freebie) is there much variation between seedbank strains? Do ya think the scrog may be too ambitious for a first grow? I def wont top an nyc again! Cheers for the input :smoking:
i really dont know.i think there are about 20 different breeders of white widow,i wonderd to myself which was the best/original.couldnt figure it out so got something else,still never grown it.
scrog ambitious no as its just one many folk try to much first time round.3 brands of nutrients,4 transplants,flushing an overwatered plant.
relax let the plant do its thing.
So... I done fucked up. Realized my scrog wasnt gonna work without some lst and snapped a side stem clean off my already stunted nyc :nono:

To make the best of a bad situation I've decided to try use it as a clone, no rooting powder/gel so i just used a honey tek I found. I know its a long shot and cloning autos on purpose is fairly pointless but hey, waste not want not and it might end up being a cute lil micro plant :crying:

As for my bc and other nyc, needless to say I was more gentle with their training!! The main stalks have been bent under the netting and the lower branches bent the opposite direction (into the light)

I also spent bout an hour reinforcing the scrog net at the +'s. Very meticulous but I can feel how much stronger it is and reckon it'll be worth it :woohoo1:
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So... I done fucked up. Realized my scrog wasnt gonna work without some lst and snapped a side stem clean off my already stunted nyc :nono:

To make the best of a bad situation I've decided to try use it as a clone, no rooting powder/gel so i just used a honey tek I found. I know its a long shot and cloning autos on purpose is fairly pointless but hey, waste not want not and it might end up being a cute lil micro plant :crying:View attachment 809919

As for my bc and other nyc, needless to say I was more gentle with their training!! The main stalks have been bent under the netting and the lower branches bent the opposite direction (into the light)
View attachment 809923 View attachment 809921 View attachment 809922

I also spent bout an hour reinforcing the scrog net at the +'s. Very meticulous but I can feel how much stronger it is and reckon it'll be worth it :woohoo1:
We have a member who clones autos, seems to actually manage just fine. Some autos take a licking, some falter if you just look at them angrily enough. Scrog works extremely well with responsive, vigorous strains that display more sativa morphology. When it is applied with some strains though, one cannot help but snap branches left and right. Hollow stems are a common trait of autos. Our more senior members can make trees out of any strain regardless. I still have issues stunting mine.
Welcome to AFN.
So I was watering my girls and tightening the lst on the top end and I noticed a solitary, white pistil, near the top of my blue cheese.

Its only day 30 and I had planned to switch spectrum when I saw pre flowers but now im torn.
I wanna get more stretch outta them but I dont wanna compromise on quality.

Any thoughts? When do people usually switch out?Cheers, ill keep ye updated
hey buddy well done on your first grow. everythings looking spot on : )
dont worry about snapping branches, you'll get used to it and it generally doesnt do much (if any) damage. can always just tape bits back on too. had to do a few tape jobs on my current project after some drunken defol lol. liquid scilicone will help with that aswell. makes the stems basically turn to rubber, its awesome stuff : )
not sure about switching spectrums tbh but i do know someone that clones autos @guerillagrower#65 has had a fair bit of success with it recently.
whatever your doing is working though mate so keep it up ! : )