New Grower First Grow - Northern Lights/Pineapple Express/Sweet Tooth (Autos)

Best of both worlds is combining SCROG with tucking, once you get the net dialed in with the plants you start to notice a lot of the big fan leaves can be tucked right under the net and then the bud will start to go up and the only leaves that will be left will be sugar up high. I'm heavily medicated right now so I'm not sure if this explanation is even English, but you get the idea hopefully.

Makes perfect sense....don't be so paranoid ;) Tucking is definitely part of a good scrog.
No wonder the wife is always mad at me - I cut instead of tuck! :)

Temp raised a little as it got a little hotter outside. 81° is still pretty good though.

The big shocker is the young cute thang miss sweet tooth. She seems to be getting a little bigger! You can tell she is going to be a bigger plant than the other 2 and she is 1 week younger. Her color seems a bit different though and I don't know if there is a problem or not. She is a slightly lighter green than the other 2 but Maybe that's a good thing considering she is not looking at stunted as them :grin:

I gave her a little cal/mag just to be on the safe side. I'm assuming that's what the problem is. I was going to give her some anyway on her next watering so it's no biggie.

As always, PE(Day 27) on the left, NL(Day 27) in the middle and ST(Day 20) on the right.

Ps. Is there anything wrong with my plants? the tips of the leaves at the top are curling down. It's mainly the NL

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Looking good Freiya!! Looks like they're all doing some growing from the last time I checked.
Thanks medi!

Btw, do you think I should continue to lst the NL and lower the tallest part a bit more?
I guess it depends on what your goal is in using LST. Are you trying to keep it short or just force lower growth up? It looks fine to me for right now, maybe someone else will chime in with a different opinion.
I'll go ahead and let it do it's thing then and see where it's at in another week. =D
Looking good! I'm anxious to see how your sweet tooth turns out. I just ordered a pack of them today. My lady is the big smoker here, I usually only smoke once a month or so. But I LOVE growing, or as she calls it, baking her"cookies". We ordered the sweet tooth because it's supposed to have 22% THC
Looking good! I'm anxious to see how your sweet tooth turns out. I just ordered a pack of them today. My lady is the big smoker here, I usually only smoke once a month or so. But I LOVE growing, or as she calls it, baking her"cookies". We ordered the sweet tooth because it's supposed to have 22% THC

Haha that's why I got it too. I bought all high thc strains for cheap prices. The NL from vision is supposed to be around 18% too. I bought 3 of those and 3 sweet tooth. I got the PE for free and the NLxBB for free as well. 65 bucks well spent.

Damn you only smoke once a month? that's crazy! I do it at least twice a day if I have some. I just got my girl into smoking a few months ago and now she loves it but we can't find a dealer so it's been a while since we last smoked. One of the main reasons she was okay with funding this adventure. =D