New Grower First grow! Northerlights X Bigbud auto and Expert Seeds Expert Gorilla

NLxBB is ready to chop pretty much any day now. Just think ill wait until sat night or Sunday.
What do you guys think. Sorry best I could do for pictures. @Trichome farmer @420Forever , need some input from some people with more experience than myself.View attachment 1206502View attachment 1206503

gawd, trich picz are alwayz soooo hard to make a call on, lol :doh: me own stoned eyez are seein a fair amt of clear still...but sumbody else'z stoned eyez may see a fair amt of milk...or unicornz...:rolleyes2: when in doubt, adhere to the old grower'z mantra -> "when u think they're ready, wait another week" ;) ppp
Day 60 for NLxBB. She's chopped!!!!!
Wet weight coming in at 336.4 grams.
For my first grow it was a dream. Super easy and loved everything I did to her. Here is some final pics of her. @420Forever
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:drool: ruff stoner calculationz say u'll end up with mebbe 1/4 lb off her :thumbsup: be sure to tag me with final dry weight, so me can give u a shiny lil badge ;) ppp
:drool: ruff stoner calculationz say u'll end up with mebbe 1/4 lb off her :thumbsup: be sure to tag me with final dry weight, so me can give u a shiny lil badge ;) ppp
@420Forever as a new grower I was just wanting to hit a quarter pound off of the 3 plants I have for my first grow. I never expected to hit it with only one! I still have two GGs that are way bigger than the NlxBb. I'm so pumped!!
Hell of grow buddy! :woohoo1: :woohoo1::d5:
Congrats on the harvest:smokeit:
You'll definitly have a qp in the jars after chopping the GG as well
Hell of grow buddy! :woohoo1: :woohoo1::d5:
Congrats on the harvest:smokeit:
You'll definitly have a qp in the jars after chopping the GG as well
@DMHeights Thanks! It was a good first plant, or maybe beginners luck. Whatever it was ill take it. Yeah I have 2 Gorillad Glues that are 2-3 weeks out. They have some nice sized buds on them for sure and still have some more time to swell. For a first grow its been alotnof learning and alot of work but its been awesome.
Yep, I had a bit of beginners luck on my first plant as well, and it totally hooked me :haha: cant stop growing and reading:rofl: just so much to learn. I think I'm more excited to start the next one than chopping the current
Happy growing buddy :goodluck: