New Grower First grow! Northerlights X Bigbud auto and Expert Seeds Expert Gorilla

Had a bit of a calcium prob with the bigger gorilla glue. But everything recovered and new growth looks good. Having to feed cal mag at full strength every other feeding. But man these GGs are really filling out. The NLxBB in back right corner is a few weeks out and has coke can sized colas all about 8_12 inches really excited to see how this all plays out.
I chopped a sugar leaf off the NLxBB today and some clear, alot cloudy and very few amber trichomes, This will be my first harvest but im gonna try to go atleast another week maybe two its only at 52 days wanna be some where around 65 days for harvest but if i start seeing alot of trichomes starting to turn amber im gonna chop her. I think thats right not 100% sure but from what im reading its what im gonna go with.
Wow! These gorilla glues are crazy. I mean they stink. So much for a carbon filter. Its like its not even on. The NLxBB you couldn't really smell unless you opened the tent but these GGs are smelly mofos. I ordered some ona pro blocks and got a big bottle of ozium. Some of these colas on the ggs are 16-20 inches long. Really cool.
Few pics from this morning. For my First grow everything seems ok. I really wish i knew more but im gaining so much experience right now that next grow will be just that much better. Realistically if i get a quarter pound dried off the 3 i will be more than happy. NLxBB is at day 57 and were chopping her down somewhere in the 60-65 day range were getting close starting to get some amber trics. Gorilla glues(GG) they are at day 50 and have 3-4 weeks left should really see those two girls put on some more weight the buds should really swell up nicely which is crazy because they are already huge. Got some close up shots at the two buds so you could see the differences in the two strains.
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