New Grower First Grow Newbie! 4X4 RDWC LED CBD

They are looking for light. Lower and they won’t stretch. When you put in final medium you can bury the stem to a depth that helps support it.

Thanks dude I thought so. That's a pissweak LED there so I'll switch it out for something stronger :-)
Probably only about 10w. I've got an 85w@wall blurple I'll get happening.

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Just lower might work, no need to jump to the other side of the scenario and cook it. Save the big guns for another week or two. Once they are in the medium and get a second set of real leaves.
This is current situation - attached.

So it's either this or the blurple, and 480 Qb arrives next week :-)

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Just on my dodgy lighting hanging from before, I just adjusted as I think it was too close. Getting 9500lux and 800fc jist above the dome. Is about 20" now at 83w cheap blurple.

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