Outdoor First grow, MI5 greenhouse uk

hi again flim. just keep your eye on her but I wouldnt worry about her just yet, if you havnt fed them I wouldnt worry to much about it just yet. you should wait a bit longer untill you start feeding her as she dosnt look ready yet, the weather this week is spot on so she should start growing a bit faster, once they get to around the 4th internode or between pre flowers & full flowering the mi5's normally explode with growth, I swear you can sit there and watch them grow in real time!
do you ph ajust your water? are you using rain or tap water? ph is VERY important the differece between 6 & 7 is HUGE!! with the biobizz I reccomend (although you might need to alter it slightly for your grow) veg feeding start off around 6.2-6.3 then work upto 6.4ish, flowering you want the ph a little higher 6.5-6.6 and all your plain waterings at 7

If you chop and change and dont get it as exact as you can you will start to get problems
Hey mr.mcgregor
Thanks for putting my mind at rest.
All i've done uptill now is, soaked the soil with tap water the day before i put the seedling in, i haven't done anything else to them.
The water ph is about 6, but i cant be sure, as im only going on the ph paper strips (I need to get a digital one)
Could you recommend A easy way too adjust ph balance.

You can either use actually ph and down which is sold at grow sites and shops and at pool shops too. Or you can use baking soda for ph up and vinegar for down. I would recommend getting something actually made for growing plants though. Baking soda and lemon juice and things can end up causing problems, not always though.
Have a read throught this (its a bit long, but very usefull) https://www.autoflower.org/f7/what-ph-29.html

I mainly use ph up/down from the grow shop, its only a couple of pounds for a bottle, my last bottle lasted me 2 years and I did LOADS of growingin that time.

Get yourself a airstone & pump aswell (they only cost a few quid aswell), and airate your water for 24 or so hours before giving it to your girls. your girls will tank you for it :)
Week 2, everything seems fine.
I was wondering when I should water them. The pot are still wet and they're still pretty heavy, so i'm thinking I should leave it for now.
Anyway here's some pics


flim :bong:
Ok, so I watered them today with a litre each with the ph being between 7.0-7.1 and the run off ph is between 6.3-6.4 is this ok.

I think that if they are too small for being 3 weeks old... I imagine that the reason will be the climate and the hours of light...
Yeah, I think your right mate...I'm hoping they'll get bigger when the weather picks up.