Outdoor First grow, MI5 greenhouse uk

Thanks for the info mr.mcgregor, I've allowed myself £20 to £40 a week to spend on this, so this is well in within my budget...cheers :thumbs:
I have about W55xL130xH120 room but the other two mi5 plants will have to be grown in that space as well, so i was hoping to put two dwarf plant in they're because I read the mi5's can take upto 12 weeks to grow, so I was after something smaller and quicker to grow while I'm waiting. I'm not bother about getting big a yield, I just want to be able too smoke something I've grown myself.
whatever grow times you see advertised add a couple more weeks ontop of that for growing outdoors/greenhouse uk. like a 10 week strain can be 12-14 weeks.

£20-£40 a week budget is massive!! you wont need anywhere near that. for what your growing I cant see you needing to spend more than £40 for the entire grow, and then some! what are you going to be feeding them? for the small grow your doing its not going to cost alot,whatever feed you buy should last you a good time
Out of that budget, I'm building a shed that needs insulating, and a grow box that also needs insulating (because of this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-17251005 I'm just going to go over the top trying to keep the heat down) and the lights and all the other stuff you need to grow indoors.

for feed i've got biobizz grow and veg, that i order with the soil...I've read a few reviews and its suppose to be pretty good.
MI5 is a great beginners choice, that baby flies on autopilot. She was my first auto grow and I LOVED it!
i think I'm gona grow some mi5s in my greenhouse this summer too, so im subd! can't wait to see how these ones turn out. Does anyone know how stable the feminized mi5 seeds are though?
keep it up flim, all looks good so far. i would take away those support sticks though. let them stand on their own and they'll be stronger for it.
I've noticed the tips of the leaves on one of my plants are going a lighter colour, is this normal?


Sorry about picture quality, its the best I can do.
No I would not say it's normal usely that could be nute burn I could be wrong tho wat soil they in and have u feed any nutes and how old are they and wt ph is the water ur giving them
Hey Beal, no I haven't give them any nutes yet.
I'm growing them in biobizz light mix
They are 10 days old
The ph last time I checked was about 6 or 7

The only thing I can think of thats different to the other plant, is that my dog got her saliva on it a few days ago, and i dabbed it of with a dry paper towel, and then dabbed with a wet paper towel.
I don't if this might affected it or not?