New Grower First Grow Led+Hps ( Blackberry Kush + DinaFem Critical2.0) (Autos)

advanced nutrients Micro nutes i meant im sorry i should have been more clear with my question
Hey no worries bro at first I was thinking you where talking like great white or tea's , no I'm not using the advanced micro ( its the 3 part I think that has a gorilla / or ape ha on it right?
TE="tripaholic88, post: 1019692, member: 32560"]looking good man! ill hang around for this one if ya dont mind[/QUOTE]
Awsome the more people the better haha its first grow using leds so far so good!
im right there along with ya man... they seem to loving the LED's, it was a great investment i believe.... my other one should be here by wed! im very excited to add another to my tent... im very intereted in seeing how they turn out as i have a blackberry kush and quite a few breeders critical mass and critical kush's that i got as freebies....just keep doin what your doing man.....
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