7/21/15- Captain's Log- Everything still going well with those Russians although on 2 of them on the tips of the leaves I notice that the color is a tad lighter, like a yellowish green just on the tips on Righty its on one leaf like I said just the tip and on Tighty the 4 leaves she has they all are tipped a yellow green. The pics that I posted yesterday with the LED off you can actually see it. I have not fed them any nutes yet so that is not it, what I was thinking, Righty and Tighty are the ones that got a fair amount of transpiration on them with the LED on, so possibly they may have got bleached a little bit? I do not know other than that they are doing great. Here are the pics of the day. If anyone wants to chime on what it could be please feel free. Also water P.h is 6.3 and I just upped the water to 200M.L today. Like I said the post above this from yesterday you can see the tip colors. Picture 008,004 you can see it best- Thanks guys Much love.