New Grower First Grow Journel Indoor 240 Watt Led, Russian Dragon

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7/21/15- Captain's Log- Everything still going well with those Russians although on 2 of them on the tips of the leaves I notice that the color is a tad lighter, like a yellowish green just on the tips on Righty its on one leaf like I said just the tip and on Tighty the 4 leaves she has they all are tipped a yellow green. The pics that I posted yesterday with the LED off you can actually see it. I have not fed them any nutes yet so that is not it, what I was thinking, Righty and Tighty are the ones that got a fair amount of transpiration on them with the LED on, so possibly they may have got bleached a little bit? I do not know other than that they are doing great. Here are the pics of the day. If anyone wants to chime on what it could be please feel free. Also water P.h is 6.3 and I just upped the water to 200M.L today. Like I said the post above this from yesterday you can see the tip colors. Picture 008,004 you can see it best- Thanks guys Much love.


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Let's get 1/4 teaspoon of 16-16-16 to a gallon and ph to 6.8 and feed them tomorrow they can take it

the tips could just be from water droplets it's hard to say right now could be ph just a hair to low
7/21/15 - Alright here are some pics of them with light off you can see it better. The tips on the 2 are just like a lighter green.. I will get to brewin the soup tonight. You can see in the first 2 pics of just Tighty and Righty where the tips are a tad yellowish green or lighter green.:amazon:


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7/22/15- Welp fed the guys/girls there first meal today. Twas 1/4tsp of 16-16-16 All Purpose SeaGrow and 1/2tsp of Cal-Mag Plus to a gallon of 6.8 Ph water and they got 200ml's. They still seem to be doing really well... the tiny bit of discoloration on the tips of the 3 leaves actually started to go away this morning before I fed them, so that is a plus. Here are the Pics of the day, I am really hoping they like the first meal, much love guys. :bow:


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Captain's Log-7/23/15- Gave the guys/girls their second helping of the SeaGrow All Purpose 16-16-16 1/4tsp with 1/2tsp of Cal-Mag Plus added. I mixed a whole gallon but I have only been giving them 6.7 ounces/200M.L each morning when I wake up, the water Ph is 6.8. They seemed to like it when I gave it to them yesterday hopefully the same goes for today. Righty and Lefty are both starting to take off Tighty and Whitey are going at there own pace they all have slight age differences. Lefty has a pot all to his/her self and was born on the 12 of July 2015, Righty is in the middle of his/her crew and was born on the 13th of July 2015, with some assistance from me she/he got stuck in the soil I had to dig her out. Tighty and Whitey were both born on the 15 of July 2015. Here are the pics of the day, they all are doing well at this stage they are loving the Lighthouse Hydro BlackStar 240watt.-Much Love Guys-:bighug:


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They are looking great and seem to love how you are treating them, looks like they are enjoying the feeds also and would say the timing is just right, as it is just as easy to wait to late being scared to burn them to start feeds as it is to feed to early and burn them, getting that timing right takes practice and you got it first time round so very nicely done.

Here is :karmacloud: for the rest of the grow and that all stays this smooth for you.