... Welcome Aurora!! :smoking: ..a friend of Sniper's is a friend of mine! ...great that you've come to join the fun, and you're off to a fine start brudda! besides, you have a damn good mentor right up the hill,... Sniper is arguably one the very best KISS growers I know (Astro is another--keep an eye on that guy,...around the ladiezzz, he's naughty!

), and his results do ALL the talking!


--I heard the last couple tastes of Mo'Ram and Yumboldt wore your ass for a top-hat!

You gotta love that, right? Great genetics and even some modest skills is all you'll need to drop a roomfull of friends face first on da couch! ... there are lots of kind, knowledgeable folks here to chat with, brain-pick,...or whatever, so dive right in mate... I'm the Infirmary guy, and one of the folks at the Live Help thread... go there if you have an emergency, or critical question, anytime! If you have pH/equipment questions, ask away right here

... 'Course, you got the Sniper too,..
....huh, not sure why you had moisture on the upper leaf surfaces,... RH and temps weren't really bad at all,...if it was 75+%, that'd be different,... any chance they got splashed when you watered? ..might have just been some transpiration water exiting after the watering,... as long as you have decent air movement, and that RH and T', the rots shouldn't be a problem... they'll be past that stage soon enough! ..leaf surfaces look a-okay to me,... young leaves can take on some odd shapes and appearances sometimes,... a little gloss is a good healthy sign, in fact! ...what soil are you using, some of Snipers good stuff? he know's it best, so mind him about what and when to start fert'ing with,... other good stuff to use right now in particular is Superthrive, a vitamin/hormone supplement that's very effective for lots of things,... a Silica supp' is also on my recommendation list,...

the little ones look fine and dandy Aurora! Kepp asking, learning, grinding, and you'll flatten out that learning curve fast,...