New Grower First Grow Journel Indoor 240 Watt Led, Russian Dragon

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Thank you Waira, and Yeah its promix B-x with DoloMite Lime added tsp per gallon indeed very grateful to have someone like sniper to help me and learn the ways.I have not started feeding yet one has been up for 7 days, 6 for one and about 4 for the other 2. I think the moisture on the leaves were transpiration because the humidity was kinda up there and I watered and then turned the fan on and dropped it really fast after the watering.. but yeah they are doing way better now. I have a quart of Cal/Mag Plus to go with the SeaGrow, also got some Molasses that Sniper recommended, I have not decided which to try first, and yes Mo smacked me around and the Yum Knocked me out :bow:. Thank you for being so welcoming everyone on here has been, I am lookin foward to getting to know everyone :pass:.
Ughhhhh 7/18/15- Today has been of of the most stressful days of all time possibly my stealth was blown as my father found me out, thankfully my Mom took up for me. I had to move back in with them (my wife and I divorced), had pretty much no where to go so here I am trying to get back on my feet again... anyway my dad is crazy as shit, and when my mom called me with the news that he opened my closet and found my tent, I nearly wrecked car... Thankfully I managed to get back home and talk to him and also thankfully he did not lose his head, my Russian girls are still safe and doing well. I guess I am glad that happened, at least now I do not have to worry all the time, I will look back at this day and think... It all could have ended, thank Mary for once my Dad was not a complete and utter asshole to me and accepted the fact that I like to do this and I am passionate about it, anyway not much change today, the girls/guys are doing very well and they are very healthy, got my quart of Cal/Mag plus today... Alot more peace of mind now that its out there, still nerve racking here are the pics of the day my Mad Russians.- Lefty and Righty are a week old today, Tighty & Whitey are 4 days.:dragon1:


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I know Sniper had it been back in School days it would have been out the window lol.... In this case I am thankful for change.
7/19/15- Doing well wanted to get entry into the journal early in the A.m, gave my 4 little Mad Russian Dragons about 2oz of water, I gave Righty,Tighty and Whitey a tad more since they are a Trio. I have a ? about watering. Lefty the solo Plant is about 8 days old Righty is the Plant in the middle of the 3 she/he is 7 days and Tighty and Whitey are 5. My question is on what week/day should I start giving more water and how much should I give. I ask this because I am only watering around the base of them right now, well you can see in the pics the darker areas around base of plants... The rest of the soil is becoming a tad dry it still feels cool and moist just looks dryer I am using 3.7 gallon pots. Also at what week or day should I start introducing a little bit of nutes into the system I have had some people tell me 2 weeks some others say 3 weeks. I have SeaGrow All Purpose 16-16-16, SeaGrow Flower and Bloom 4-26-26 and Hawaiian Bud and Bloom 5-50-17. I have heard alot of people say for autos it is best to do 1/2 the dose or a quarter a dose per gallon of water but I just want to make sure... I also have a quart of Cal-Mag PLUS, do I only use the Cal-Mag if they start showing signs of being deficient :shrug:. Anyway all advise will be greatly appreciated,much love to everyone :worship:. Here are the Mad Russian pics of the day :bighug:.


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All still looking great so far well done bro, i would be feeding about 200ml every day or two depending on how fast the soil was drying out by this stage, and then continue to up the amounts bit by bit as she gets bigger the more i am feeding the bigger radius i start to feed around the stem, this is just the way i do things and there are many others that work well also depending on strain and or enviroment, but the basic rule is to keep the soil moist but not overly soaked and have the top couple of cm of soil dry before the next feeding.

As for your nutes have never used that brand hopefully someone who knows them can advise you as i would even know where to begin with them.
Have you been lifting the pots to get a feel for how much moisture is in them ? If they feel light water the whole pot with a glass of water

start with a 1/4 teaspoon of 16-16-16 at about 2 weeks old
Thank you Spang and that is actually how I been watering just around the stem and extending the radius each day, indeed Sniper I have been lifting the pots and that is what I was figuring was about 1/3 to 1/4tsp at about two and a half or 2 weeks I just was not sure. Much love guys, I must BOLDT:hookah:.
Captains Log-7/20/15- Not much change the girls/guys are doing very well. When I watered them this morning I gave them 4ounces instead of 2. Going to start taking it up a Ounce per day until it covers the surface of the pot, I am also going to slowly start giving some nutes in about a week along with some Cal/Mag Plus. I had to go to the doctor last week twice, I had to take my daughter and then I had to go.. and I think I caught a stomach virus... Doo Doo's and a very upset gut.. anyways here are my pics of the day, going to try to rest and just feel better I hope everyone has a great day. Much love and good karma.:thumbsup:


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Captains Log-7/20/15- Second journal entry today I am bored and my stomach hurts as I have aquired the doo-Doo's from going to the Dr.... Thus why I hate going to the Dr, I always end up catching something... anyway here are some pics of those Ravishing little Russian Dragons with the lights off*RawR*:dragon1:.


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    Lefty,Righty,Tighty and Whitey with the lights on...OoYehNBabeh 007.jpg
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