How's she SMELL? Nirvana, they named her appropriately..JOCK HORROR! I guess (and I'm a chef with a better nose than palate) I would compare the bouquet with my son's hockey duffle bag. Almost tempted to put FEBREZE sheets in the tent! Actually, I liken the aroma with syrup on a waffle. Or being downwind from Corn Products (suburban Chicago)...a very sweet, cloying aroma...with pepper overtones?
More pics coming my wife cut loose with her Nikon...
Thanx! Waira!
....:roflcry: I did-- classic!! ...I was juggling a few posts at the time, so I just dove in and out quickly when I saw it,...
:kusht: that's my kinda fat-phat chick brudda! Shapely, and full of delish' sticky buds-resin production on her is impressive! How's her perfume coming along?You did a great job on her, especially so considering the challenges of learning coco,... clearly, you did your homework, got the tools you needed, and paid attention to the details... all big factors when doing coco!
-- :gthumb::gthumb:<-- a couple of these doesn't hurt either :smoke: Azzie's and Camie's are lovely plants,... post some pics, ay?
... after you read that sticky, talk to some other coco-nuts like Gcase, Blue, etc., and see what they recommend, a cleansing period, or a full flush with rinsing agent,... I have no coco experience! Nirvana, they named her appropriately..JOCK HORROR! I guess (and I'm a chef with a better nose than palate) I would compare the bouquet with my son's hockey duffle bag. Almost tempted to put FEBREZE sheets in the tent! Actually, I liken the aroma with syrup on a waffle. Or being downwind from Corn Products (suburban Chicago)...a very sweet, cloying aroma...with pepper overtones?
More pics coming my wife cut loose with her Nikon...
Thanx! Waira!