New Grower First Grow Journal

If you cook your supersoil long enough it shouldnt be hot(30 days i cooked mine).
End Week 9

Tomorrow brings week 10.
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Wife let me use her camera...

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What a long strange trip it's been...
y'know...i got this big ass sign on my tent that sez "no drunk gardening"! but do i lissen to my own advice? my dad always called me a pollack.

the grow is going better than wife & i get home from dinner & cocktails...went to tuck the girls in and discovered that the plant in the drip/coco needs more juice in the rez and not dripping like it's sposta. All the girls are drinking more joe pollack decides to mix a 7 gallon batch o' juice in anticipation of increased watering. Big elevated tub with hose & nozzle - slick set-up, easy watering (diy - pollack style). Filled tub, tested ph, added cal/mag, adjusted ph again, and decided to get another beer. Grabbed two. When i got back to the garage, total blackout! the 'slick setup' failed and the hose poured into the power strip. Oh fack! Good thing everything is ground-faulted! Took me less than 5 minutes to rectify the situation; fresh power strip yanked from office, dried all prongs, reset ground faults, cranked it back up. Completed the intended tasks. I had to explain to the girls that sometimes a 'cloud cover' occurs and that everything would be just fine. They were probably basking in the temporary darkness as i'm running them ragged with a 24/7 light regimen.

finished the mix and the beers, tended to dani (jock horror in drip/coco) and planted my ass here with a little 128.9 proof bookers. Aint got no nugs. I refuse to finance the local 'nogoodniks'! It's rough but drunk gardening seems to be the salve.

I'll clean up tomorrow -hic

omg! Lmfao!
Trees are looking great bro! That frost.... :drool:
Those girls are looking great and it looks like they still have some time to get more weight on them if you wanted.