Indoor First Grow Journal!

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Awesome thanks man, Im excited.. I really want to get some autoflowers though ( I guess I need them by the end of the month because these babys need to be in veg still while the auto flowers are finishing )
Also are the 2 gallon buckets going to be big enough? Transplanting takes so much time.. I hope I can do it in the 2 gallon buckets ( or at least till they are sexed)
Also are the 2 gallon buckets going to be big enough? Transplanting takes so much time.. I hope I can do it in the 2 gallon buckets ( or at least till they are sexed)
two gallon will be fine as long as they are stightly taller the main coincern about pot size is can the tap(main) root grow unrestricted
i wouldn't really reccomend it but as you could see the plants in my pics are plenty tall enoughto start flowering they are some early generation auto's that are still not 100% auto flowering so most right now didn't auto and were as you can see set aside and let veg for alot longer than i would usually let them grow before putting into a larger container
but as you can see they are still big enough plants in a small container
all in all the larger the bucket the potential to maximize root growth
the more roots the more bud can be sustained is the end game

as far as rockwool goes it is great but you need to always keep your eye on the ph it will fluctuate more than in soil because hydro tends to grow more rapidly and the exchange of ions at a more rapid rate will require a new adjustment of ph now w/ this being said hydro offers less room for error mainly because mistakes just like positive return will take on faster in hydro than soil
soil offers alittle buffer
rockwool has a higher natural ph so then in return you must adjust the feed water to a lower ph to compensate
all in all once one gets a feel for it hydro really is the way to go
roots grow to a degree of insanity and never really experience the buffering time of oxygen redispersing properly throughout medium that you see needed in soil
the one problem i have is can't easily add some of the same nutrient blends for taste that i found i prefer in soil
View attachment 113650View attachment 113651I have a secret plant outside, hoping its mature enough/big enough to use as a clone? Looks like a female right?
doesn't look like it is showing sex yet from the pic
doesn't look like the side shoots are large enough to take good cuttings yet
maybe if you explained what you ment by to use as a clone??i could help better
mother plant???maybeeee
take cuttings??? maybeeeee
if you think you overwatter than place water in container and use a straw dip into container place finger over the end to hold the water inside and give a couple of those to the plant as needed till they are larger and reguire more water to be given
two gallon will be fine as long as they are stightly taller the main coincern about pot size is can the tap(main) root grow unrestricted
i wouldn't really reccomend it but as you could see the plants in my pics are plenty tall enoughto start flowering they are some early generation auto's that are still not 100% auto flowering so most right now didn't auto and were as you can see set aside and let veg for alot longer than i would usually let them grow before putting into a larger container
but as you can see they are still big enough plants in a small container
all in all the larger the bucket the potential to maximize root growth
the more roots the more bud can be sustained is the end game

as far as rockwool goes it is great but you need to always keep your eye on the ph it will fluctuate more than in soil because hydro tends to grow more rapidly and the exchange of ions at a more rapid rate will require a new adjustment of ph now w/ this being said hydro offers less room for error mainly because mistakes just like positive return will take on faster in hydro than soil
soil offers alittle buffer
rockwool has a higher natural ph so then in return you must adjust the feed water to a lower ph to compensate
all in all once one gets a feel for it hydro really is the way to go
roots grow to a degree of insanity and never really experience the buffering time of oxygen redispersing properly throughout medium that you see needed in soil
the one problem i have is can't easily add some of the same nutrient blends for taste that i found i prefer in soil

I meant rockwool in soil, not hydro. Start them in rockwool, put them in soil when big enough
Also looking to buy some auto flowers for my next grow, read a bunch but would love to hear personal preference from people who like to help on this forum

been happy w/
durty dragon from mossy real good nerve/pain meds from the stock i got really happy w/ them way better than sleeping pills after an hour or two:) taste is strong/ hashy/ petro/ resiny finish, mossy regards tastes as burn't plastic off copper wire but i don't think this description gives it it's due credit while i can see the idea i think it gives it a less appealing thought than what the taste really comes across ass
magic dragon from mossy is more sativa dom and more my pref(gee bet you couldn't guess that one:)) a nice creative high also good for nerve issues /pain
purple jem from mossy is also a nice nerve pain med w/ a less heavy weight on the stone than durty but slightly more cerebral and uplifting fruitier some what citricy musky smell
all are wonderfully colorful plants from black purple to purple pink they are all beautiful ladies
there are tons of other great breeders here as well
LBH has some great ideas going
STITCH as always has some wonderful sativa(super auto's) projects in the works and some great hybrids as well as indica dom varieties
wish i had time to play w/ them all:)
alot of great choices automaticseeds site and from these people you will get what the label says it is
(not that other co's don't send the right thinngs ordered)
i am just saying these are in particular honest breeders looking to help others and really the price paid for the seeds is barely paying for their time but they do it more for the common cause we are all here for not just the fast buck that hovers around the industry which makes it hard to tell if people are on the level or not
just my 2 cents anyway:)
automaticseed is very reliable... however they are having issues atm.... hopefully they get it sorted soon... :Toke:

attitude is great too... but they dont carry some of the cooler strains (IMHO) that automaticseed carries... :toke:

the one missing direction is skunk vareties:(
i will work on this alittle though;)