@Proph Thanks for the special education !
The time, effort, and respectable way you have responded will undoubtedly lead to changes!
Your passion and talent then passes onto to others in many ways.
I think like many others, including our new pal
@NickDanger3rdEye , that we were sold on the water only seed to harvest, along with the simple recyclability of adding 1 lb of any compost concentrate. Then we can rest the pots for a set time, and ready to start over. I think we all know what we were doing was a little too good to be true, like a cheat or short-cut. To be honest, it was that method that sold me in growing

It brought me to this moment/ I didn't plan on doing this other, than 1 round per year. However, now I'm more hooked at getting this right - the challenge. And, now, you are explaining, in order to get to end, you really must become a gardener!
I appreciate you see things from my side and that time, practicality, (confidence), and naivete are what is driving my thoughts. In retrospect, I wish I did the top-dress NLS reset or start fresh with a top-dress. (since it was what is on-hand). I DID plan to only listen to the plants, after preparing the pots. I'm sure, despite that intention, regardless, I would have hit with teas at weeks 5, 7 and likely 9.
The product, NLS will never be used again! Its a marketing gimmick.
Moving forward, I will listen to what the plants need!
Please don't feel bad sharing, yet again, bad news, rather feel great that you have made a substantial impact, and removed my blinders.
I will read more, and learn more.
Now, I do have 2 time-sensitive questions:
1) Under the current circumstance I need a reasonable remedial plan for my 5 set pots:
(assuming we are not throwing it all out, nor taking 90 days to rest/water/reset the pots)
I know this is not ideal, nor the best route.
a) dump pots into large container.
b) dilute with 50% HF or lighter mix to reduce heat ?
c) no, chuck it and start over....
2) best plan for recycling my pots, after grows are completed with the least amount of maintenance?
I read
@Master_gRoshi incredible grow guide, so could move in that direction, but fail to see how to recycle the pots afterwards?
How would he recycle for round 2?
Yes, I have a lot more homework and reading...
a) top dress for example with a Buildasoil product, and rest the pots for 90 days to allow the microbes to do their thing...
thanks a ton,