New Grower First Grow - ILGM Blueberry - Indoor

Are you planning to start nutrients in week 1?
Ocean Forest took me almost all the way to bloom without having to add any nutrients at all, its a pretty strong medium. :mrgreen:
Wow, from looking at your posts "new grower" is not the word that came to mind!! It looks like you are a planner like
me, very cool. Your doing awesome, hang in there hon! :thumbsup:
Day 30
09-23-21_Day 30_Num_1_Ashley.jpg09-23-21_Day 30_Num_2_Sam.jpg09-23-21_Day 30_Num_3_Briscoe.jpg09-23-21_Day 30_Num_4_Bubba.jpg

Still going strong. Need them to start growing vertical, but since the lower nodes keep filling out and they keep getting bushier, I keep tying them down instead of letting them go up. Gave them a few days of water / no nutes to redistribute whatever may be building up in there. They're pretty thirsty and going through about 3 cups per day. Some burnt tips / edges on a few random leaves, but nothing to make me worry.

Sam (the scrawny one) is finally drinking pretty decently, but leaves are still coming in skinny and not fully developing. As a result, he keeps stretching. Figure I'll go full bonsai on him and start training him wherever he randomly wants to go.

Got a tower fan on the way, but put the box fan I have in there for now. Takes up a bit of space and I keep waiting for one of their branches to get sucked into it, but I should probably be able to remove the humidifiers soon.

Feed so far:

Ocean Forest took me almost all the way to bloom without having to add any nutrients at all, its a pretty strong medium. :mrgreen:
Wow, from looking at your posts "new grower" is not the word that came to mind!! It looks like you are a planner like
me, very cool. Your doing awesome, hang in there hon! :thumbsup:
I figure I'll use this first grow to make as many problems for myself as I can, then all the rest will be a cake walk, right? ;)
My decision process for planning out the basic set-up was as follows:

4) Could add a window / clothes dryer vent kit to a window for outside exhaust, but I live in a condo complex and neighbors may not like that. Have a bathroom exhaust fan I could use, or add a dehumidifier to lung room.
5) Will include carbon filter in tent. Settled on cheaper brand / lower-flow fan because it had a lower listed noise level. Without significant ducting, should be able to reach the 3 turnovers/minute rule of thumb.
I was venting into the room with a carbon filter and the smell was noticeable.. used a dryer vent screwed to a white piece of shelving and out my condo window and smell disappeared. Don’t notice anything outside the window…yet…strangely enough the rh went down as well when I did this. Good luck!
Minor update:

- Accidentally went an extra 8 hrs with lights off. Got them on a wifi plug, rebooted my router at about the time they were supposed to go on, which apparently resets everything. Stupid technology...

- Fed them today mid-day, same as 9/20 but with a bit extra N. They seem to be drinking faster and faster.

- Bubba's a girl!!!!

:baby: :baby: :baby:
- Frank and beans!!! The light turned off again, not sure when or how long. Not sure exactly how timers are stored in the smart plugs I'm using- e.g., in the device itself, in my phone data, on a server somewhere, etc. Shoulda just gone with an old-fashioned outlet timer. I'll just blast them non-stop for a few days to make up for it...

- The other two (Ashley and Briscoe) are showing sex. Their new growth is a bit light-yellow. Not sure if it's due to lights being off, since they're in the rapid stretch phase, or start of a low Fe / high P issue.

- I may have killed Sam...he had two main stalks, and I was overly aggressive with his training while he was still plenty-watered. Split him almost all the way through the crotch like a turkey wishbone on Thanksgiving...didn't have any sealant and couldn't get duct tape around the spot, so just twist-tied him back into place...we'll see. Little guy's a trooper!


His growth shoots still look really odd with thin leaves, but pretty sure he's still not showing sex. Just don't want him to grow nuts after all he's been through...
I give you major kudos for hanging in there love!! Each grow is a learning experience :biggrin:
I was sent an outlet timer with my new light. I was thinking of switching from 24/0 to 20/4, but knowing me the thing
will mess up and my poor baby will be without light all night too! I live where the electricity has a habit of going off in the winter because of snow. I had a dream last night that a storm shut off my electricity for 3 days and I lost my plants. Good lord....I am even dreaming
about them!:sadcry:

So, your seeds are not auto fem? You might have boys in there? I dont even know what a male would look like.
I give you major kudos for hanging in there love!! Each grow is a learning experience :biggrin:
I was sent an outlet timer with my new light. I was thinking of switching from 24/0 to 20/4, but knowing me the thing
will mess up and my poor baby will be without light all night too! I live where the electricity has a habit of going off in the winter because of snow. I had a dream last night that a storm shut off my electricity for 3 days and I lost my plants. Good lord....I am even dreaming
about them!:sadcry:

So, your seeds are not auto fem? You might have boys in there? I dont even know what a male would look like.
Lol - Thanks mom!

I put mine on one of those computer back-up power UPS systems, but it would probably only last 5 minutes if the power ever went out :)

They are auto fem seeds, supposedly, so I wasn't surprised, just happy to finally see pistils. Sam's just got me worried that s/he may decide to herm or change sex from how much stress I've put him through.

(I made things confusing for the posts by giving them all boys' names at the start based on Bruce Campbell characters, though...)