New Grower First Grow - ILGM Blueberry - Indoor

Bubba is my favorite. This is actually a common name in the part of Virginia where I grew up. I have a big soft spot for that name-- we had guinea pigs named Bubba and Monkeydick until they passed last summer.

/end random post unrelated to cannabis
Day 24
09-17-21_Day 24_Num_1_Ashley.jpg09-17-21_Day 24_Num_2_Sam.jpg09-17-21_Day 24_Num_3_Briscoe.jpg09-17-21_Day 24_Num_4_Bubba.jpg

- Still doing well. They lightened up a bit, so I decided to try to kill (i.e., feed) them again. Some minor leaf issues, but still think that's mainly due to training (shown above just after re-tying to a different position) and/or getting feed on some leaves...nothing to start worrying about.

- My training has just been "tie the main stalk straight down to one side, wait 2-3 days, tie straight down again ~90 deg to the other side" to give the side branches some stretch - haven't been doing anything too coordinated. Hard to tell if it's really helping, or just making a mess. Always been horrible at cable / wire routing (you should see the back of my tv / inside of my pc builds...)

Instead of alternating, I may switch to tying Ashley's main stalk in a circle around the edge of the pot, then let Briscoe go back to straight up and start tying down all the side branches until they grow out to the sides of the pot. Bubba I may just keep with no training or topping for comparison.

- Sam looks to finally be getting better, but still not worth keeping. He's hardly sucking up any water since his leaves are all fubar, so can't really keep him on the same watering / nute schedule as the others, which makes things harder. I may just kill him and pop a new seed to try out some things...but, so hard to let him go!

-Pretty sure I got preflowers!!!

09-17-21_Day 24_Num_3_Briscoe_Preflower.jpg

- With the air pots, going 3 days between watering is becoming a stretch. Started cutting in some bloom nutes to increase Mg since I'm using distilled water. Could just order some calmag or epsom salts, but already bought too much from amazon for this grow :p

- Feed so far:

Couple other notes:

- Good videos on temperature & humidity sensors from Bugbee. They don't really tell you exactly where to put your sensors / etc, just what can affect their measurement accuracy. But, probably need to re-arrange my sensors a bit based on what he talks about:

- Fun video on cation exchange capacity in soils. I'm a sucker for the 1950s / Fallout-style educational videos:

- Went down a big rabbit hole searching through scientific journal articles for optimal nutrient levels for cannabis. Should probably write those up at some point. For now, it's just making me consider going full broken arrow vs. the FF feed chart...

Day 27
09-20-21_Day 27_Num_1_Ashley.jpg09-20-21_Day 27_Num_2_Sam.jpg09-20-21_Day 27_Num_3_Briscoe.jpg09-20-21_Day 27_Num_4_Bubba.jpg

- These f###ers are getting hard to kill. Went a day longer than I should have between waterings, and they got a bit droopy during the dark. But, decided to try to kill feed them again.

- Sam's slowly getting better, but still past saving. I'll put him out of his misery when I get around to it.

- Easier to train now that they're growing like mad. Starting to fill out past the edges of the pots and run into each other. Need to start spreading them out and letting them grow up.

- Need to upgrade my circulating air. Trying to decide between a big-ass box fan I already have, putting the carbon filter I'm not using inside with another duct fan and elbow, or do it right with a decent-sized oscillating fan.

- Started adding some bloom nutes from the FF trio, but mainly to balance out K and Mg in the overall feed. We'll see if this finally kills them off. Feed so far:


Family photo (we made Sam hold the camera):

09-20-21_Day 27_All.jpg
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- These f###ers are getting hard to kill. Went a day longer than I should have between waterings, and they got a bit droopy during the dark. But, decided to try to kill feed them again.

- Sam's slowly getting better, but still past saving. I'll put him out of his misery when I get around to it.

- Easier to train now that they're growing like mad. Starting to fill out past the edges of the pots and run into each other. Need to start spreading them out and letting them grow up.

- Need to upgrade my circulating air. Trying to decide between a big-ass box fan I already have, putting the carbon filter I'm not using inside with another duct fan and elbow, or do it right with a decent-sized oscillating fan.

- Started adding some bloom nutes from the FF trio, but mainly to balance out K and Mg in the overall feed. We'll see if this finally kills them off. Feed so far:

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Family photo (we made Sam hold the camera):

View attachment 1368955
I hope adding the bloom nutes works out better for you than it did for me. I think that was the start of my issues.
I hope adding the bloom nutes works out better for you than it did for me. I think that was the start of my issues.

Have you been tracking how much of each you've been using and when?

I'm using their cultivation nation 3-part series, and tried to keep the overall N about the same as before. Also using FFOF (has some N and P, but no real K), so I wanted to bring K/Ca/Mg back in line a bit based on this article.
Have you been tracking how much of each you've been using and when?

I'm using their cultivation nation 3-part series, and tried to keep the overall N about the same as before. Also using FFOF (has some N and P, but no real K), so I wanted to bring K/Ca/Mg back in line a bit based on this article.
I forget what i did, i think i had it in my journal. It wasn't crazy, like 1/4 strength but i did it twice in a week, i think. I need to do a better job of taking notes. This is one reason my research career didn't go well.

I have the standard fox farm trio, grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom. It was the tiger bloom feeds that seemed to throw me out of balance. My megacrop came in today, I'll be moving away from these nutes. Lots of people have success with them, but I don't have confidence in my ability to get them right at this point.

I've seen the use of calmag get poopoo'd alot on these boards but adding that to the waterings has made my plants look much healthier than they did.
Good job on the mega crop. I haven’t tried it but it looks to be a top quality base nute. I have it on my list of things to try one day. :thumbsup::pass:
good job on the turn around.:pighug:
Have you been tracking how much of each you've been using and when?

I'm using their cultivation nation 3-part series, and tried to keep the overall N about the same as before. Also using FFOF (has some N and P, but no real K), so I wanted to bring K/Ca/Mg back in line a bit based on this article.
What water are you using?