Grow Mediums First Grow - Hydro/DWC Training SCROG w/ Bagseed Photos

It is fairly smooth, but the taste went right out the window. It HAD a lovely strong earthy-hashy flavor just like the old Lebanese Blonde, but it's kinda lost most of it. Guess the terpenes "went with the wind". Decarbing fresh in the toaster oven worked better than this, even if it did smell a bit like hay, it didn't taste like it and the flavor was all there. First hit and instant expansion sending lung fragments flying! Tasted like suckin' on a pine knot! :grin: It's definitely a creeper; one minute minor head buzz (eye buzz) then it kinda slid down...and then... <clonk> Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Not bad for wonky genetics and is better than the bagweed it came in!
:Sharing One:


Oh HELL yeah! She's ready for cutting! Major creeping mindfuck that's going to settle down into my ass soon and ....Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

I've smokin bowl loads of preemie stuff from a couple of weeks ago. After 2 hits of this, aaaaaahhhhh!

This is very nice!
It Is Finished!

It Is Done!!!


Ok folks, here she is. NO, I got no patience! :grin: Boss-man said I could have off tomorrow, so, why wait?

I'd say a good 70% of the buds are foxtailed in one way or another.
Sorry if the pix are a bit "off". I'll get some better ones up soon.

Big as my forearm!


Miz Dubya all laid out on a king sized bed! Ain't she sexy?


Her pretty head on a plate!! :devil:


Man, what a pile!






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Looks like you got some clippin to do man LOL! Glad its good too dude.Just imagine if they were solid genetics too.ohh buddy,wait'll next time eh?!LOL!"AFN smoke out"

That's why I started now! HA!! No more big and bushy for me! From here on it's short and spikey! SD/MS is next!!
Nice haul TX awesome job broth a. Those are some big ass buds.
Hey JayP! Long time no see! Thx Bro!

First trimmed wet-weight = 651.58 g or 23.27 oz and filled a heaping 10x14 pan

I ain't even put a dent in the pile yet! Holy shit! I'm gonna be trimmin' til Christmas!


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nice did not get a chance to catch your grow still moving is it possible for me to know your specs.... tent size watt light and nutrients also grow meduim if possbile advance
trimmed and de-stemmed wet-weight =
1. 651.58 g or 23.27 oz
2. 471.19 g or 16.82 oz
= 1122.77 g or 40 oz
so far...

estimate is around 65 oz wet not counting the fluff bud I'm throwing in the trimmings bucket. I'm about half way now..

still going...more later.
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