New Grower First Grow - GCS Bubble Gum and Cheese

Not many updates so far, but it's been a week, so I figured I should pop in again. I got a few more goodies in the mail this week. My megacrop sample came in on Friday, and I ordered up a carbon filter and got that installed.. i also have another extension cord enroute so i can run the space heater off a different circuit from the dehumidifier, lights and fan. I originally had them all off the same circuit and extension cord when I was doing my tests to make sure I could get my climate right, and when I unplugged everything, I noticed the plug was a bit warm. I don't really want a fire hazard, so splitting it between two circuits should up the safety factor.

I still haven't gotten the seeds. I do have tracking, and they're due in tomorrow, so we should be seeing some more frequent updates. I gotta admit, being a Amazon kinda guy, this waiting on seeds kinda blows. I'm used to instant packaging and two day shipping, so Growers Choice taking 4 days to pack up six seeds kinda sticks in my craw a bit. Oh well, I'll get over it. Since I'm only doing 2 plants per grow, that'll give me 2-3 runs before I'll need more seeds, so I got some time before my next order.

On a happier note, it looks like PA is trying to pass legislation to make MJ legal for recreation, if that actually manages to make it through, I'll be one happy camper!
Time for another update (and a chang of thread title)! Seeds just came in the mail:

As you can see, I also got 3 Cheese seeds for my freebie. Looking at the package, this seems to be a more indica dominant strain and better for night time meds.

Since size and growth time appear to be similar, I've decided to do one of each. I just dropped the two in cups of distilled water (per GCS' instructions) and will let them set for 12-14 hours and then move to a damp paper towel.

Looks like we're finally off to the races.
I don't really want a fire hazard, so splitting it between two circuits should up the safety factor.

yup, better safe than sorry fer sur! :thumbsup:

Looks like we're finally off to the races.

:woohoo: yup, don't remember the parentz off the top o' me head, but cheeze is indeed an indica dom strain ;) me luv indicaz :biggrin: ppp
I decided to get the tent set up so when the little ladies do decide to pop, they'll be ready to go directly to their new home for the next few months. I've set up the UFO light right over both of the pots, and then set one aux light directed at each post. I also moved them closer to the pots, but I need to do some more looking to see just how close the should be to the seedlings.

I'm sure I've got a few days before the actually pop, so that should give me plenty of time to get the environment where it needs to be and set up a baseline for light height and watering until the start telling me what they want and need.


I've already decided I should've gotten a bigger tent and light, but what are you going to do. I'll get a couple of small grows under my belt to help fine tune what needs changed and what is good as is.
I decided to get the tent set up so when the little ladies do decide to pop, they'll be ready to go directly to their new home for the next few months. I've set up the UFO light right over both of the pots, and then set one aux light directed at each post. I also moved them closer to the pots, but I need to do some more looking to see just how close the should be to the seedlings.

I'm sure I've got a few days before the actually pop, so that should give me plenty of time to get the environment where it needs to be and set up a baseline for light height and watering until the start telling me what they want and need.

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I've already decided I should've gotten a bigger tent and light, but what are you going to do. I'll get a couple of small grows under my belt to help fine tune what needs changed and what is good as is.

yup, it'z all learn-as-u-go & "the list" never endz, hehe :coffee: ppp
Ugh, just went down to start pre-soaking the pots with pH'd water (anxious to get growing, can you tell), open up the tent, and saw some gnats flying around. I've got a 20 pack of glue traps enroute now, along with some clip on fans. Any other recommendations beyond the traps? No seeds in the ground yet, so open to all options.
Ugh, just went down to start pre-soaking the pots with pH'd water (anxious to get growing, can you tell), open up the tent, and saw some gnats flying around. I've got a 20 pack of glue traps enroute now, along with some clip on fans. Any other recommendations beyond the traps? No seeds in the ground yet, so open to all options.

if u haven't started to germ ur beanz yet, u might wanna hold off a day or many gnatz did u see...jus a couple-? a whole batallion-? were they close to the soil, or jus flyin round the tent-? if they're fungus gnatz, u def wanna let the soil dry out completely, as well as add some de or sand to the top...if however, they're jus random flyerz, then the stickiez oughta get em well enuff...either way, u'll wanna make sure they're gone before planting...and tip -> beginner mistake #1 is overwatering, and that'z where fungus gnatz come from is wet soil, so...jus sayin ;) ppp
Well, the seeds had already been set to soaking and then I added the soil to the fabric pots. After rereading @Master_gRoshi school daze post (Great write up BTW!!) I saw that he mentioned pre-soaking the soil before dropping the seeds. So about 6 hours after putting the filled pots in the tent, I went down to add some water (1/2 gallon between the two 3 gallon pots) and noticed them flying around. I only saw 3-5 of the little flyers, but in my opinion that's about 5 too many, lol.

Per GCS germination guide, I've moved the seeds from the cups of water to a damp paper towel. Since they say it'll take 3-7 days for the tails to pop, I'm going to let the soil dry out a bit and then add some diatomaceous earth that we have here to the top of the soil. I'm hopeful that between that and the sticky traps, that should keep this under control.
Well, the seeds had already been set to soaking and then I added the soil to the fabric pots. After rereading @Master_gRoshi school daze post (Great write up BTW!!) I saw that he mentioned pre-soaking the soil before dropping the seeds. So about 6 hours after putting the filled pots in the tent, I went down to add some water (1/2 gallon between the two 3 gallon pots) and noticed them flying around. I only saw 3-5 of the little flyers, but in my opinion that's about 5 too many, lol.
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Per GCS germination guide, I've moved the seeds from the cups of water to a damp paper towel. Since they say it'll take 3-7 days for the tails to pop, I'm going to let the soil dry out a bit and then add some diatomaceous earth that we have here to the top of the soil. I'm hopeful that between that and the sticky traps, that should keep this under control.
Gnats. Grrrr. I have had a few wars with them bastards.

My advice for immediate attention.
Yellow sticky traps.
Let the tops of pots dry out after you have sprouts. Then water lightly.
Add a layer of sand to the tops of pots when plants are tall enough to get a good inch layer of sand in there with out burying the babies.
D/E will also help a ton in the top layer of soil.
Gnats HATE dry. And the d/e and the sand both will damage larvae and young gnats trying to surface.
Like a larvae crawling to surface. Wings and stuff will get shredded by both the sand and d/e if not kill them entirely.
Azamax is good stuff too!
And thanks for the shout out new friend. Any time you need a little advice or an extra thinker. I'm a tag away my man.