I think that looks like a nice framework to be going with for now, and almost identical to what I'm using at the moment, but I think the most important thing to pay attention to for us is to try and listen to what our plants are telling us xD
If she looks like she could wait a bit before getting her next feed, you can hold off 1/2 a day to a day to let the soil dry a bit more and let the beneficial oxygen into the pot before the next feed. On the other hand if you want to treat her, and give her a nice big feed occasionally, that's cool too so that you make sure the entire root system is getting equally fed.
One thing that was recommended to me regarding the supplements to the nutrients that I'm trying is to add Molasses (as a cheap replacement to ANs Carboload product), which is a carbohydrate that feeds the organisms in the soil, it's not something directly feeding the plant, but it feeds the beneficial microbes already in the soil, that help with the nutrient intake.
And as always, best wishes!