I dry in a dark separate tent with my extraction fan on it's lowest setting. Cut the whole plant, snip all fan leaves, leave the sugar leaves and hang it upside down. I place a fan on the floor and point it blowing at the wall. Try to keep temps between 60-70°F and I try my best to keep rh between 55-62%. You're aiming for 62% rh on the buds so keeping it as close to that as possible and keeping it cool is the best route.
After about 4 or 5 days the sugar leaves will start to feel crispy. I then cut the branches down with buds on them in about 1ft long sections and then sweat the buds in brown paper bags for a day or two. Fill it up a bit, and then open another bag and place it over it as a cover. Put the bags back in your drying tent on a rack or hanging. Move the bags around and flip them every 6-12 hours. Then I'll pull one or two buds out after a day in the bags and test their Rh in a mason jar. If after a few hours it sits around 62 I pull it, trim it and bag it in grove bags for curing. If not it just goes back in the bags for another day or so. Hope that helps, drying and curing is an important part of the process that's easy to mess up so just really pay attention and you'll be good my man. Almost there!