First grow ever need some help.

no, don't "just add water", lol :nono: u could unknowingly open the door for fungus gnatz that way, and well, thoze little bastardz are a whole other story, whew! :doh: by all meanz, g'head & change ur lightz to either 20/4 or 18/6, which in turn, will help the rh, at least durin lightz off ;) ppp

ok, oopz! :rolleyes2: me retract me earlier statement of "don't just add water", cuz me forgot ur in coco, lol :doh: ok, carry on plz...:smoking: ppp
Hey guys everything seems to be going great so far! Tomorrow I plan to post some pictures of my seedlings and my tent setup, with hopes on getting some helpful critique. A couple quick questions though in regards to humidity. I seem to be able to maintain 75-85 degrees without any issues. However, now that I have my lights turned up all the way my humidity is in the low 30s. Does this mean I need to water more? My second question would pertain to light schedule. I started off my grow with the lights always on. So, 24 hours a day for 5 almost 6 days now. I feel my equipment may be getting too hot so would it be ok to change the light schedule now?
Glad to hear that you got the little sweeties in the dirt.

A temp of over 80 and rh of low 30's may prove to be tough for your seedlings. They like a higher humidity if you can arrange it. For the initial period while they are very small, you could help things by putting some sort of clear plastic dome over them. A clear cup would get things started, and lots of clear food containers will give you a bit more room later. Regardless, if you anticipate these sort of rh levels through your grow you should consider getting a humidifier to help things. If you get one of the ones that distribute a mist rather than steam or water vapor, you should use RO water in it if you don't want to decorate your plants with salts from your tap water. When the mist from these things evaporates, the solid contents in tap water become airborne salt dust which coats everything including your plants.

On the issue of RH and temperature, if you are not familiar with VPD charts, you should have a looksee. They give you a good idea of how a given combination of temperature and humidity will affect your girls - very helpful information most of the time. Here is one to check out for you:

vpd_2degree chart.gif

If you do the temp conversion, you will see that 85F(29C)/35%rh is off the chart even for flowering, far far drier than a good idea for seedlings. Your seedlings are going to be really unhappy at that combination.

Good luck with the grow. And lets see those pics! :goodluck: :biggrin:
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Here are some more. Sorry, I'm new not only to growing but forums as well.. =(


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Here are some more. Sorry, I'm new not only to growing but forums as well.. =(
The babes are looking fine so far, but if I were you, I would get clear covers over them right away. Even at 78F (~25C)/34%rh, you are still off the VPD chart for seedings. At this stage, any clear plastic or glass container that will fit will work fine. You might consider misting them very slightly before putting the domes on. And start looking for a humidifier... Nice setup by the way, you should do very well once you get the rh sorted out. Once the plants get bigger, they will help out by adding humidity, but that will not be for a while yet. In the meantime, you need to help them out with rh. All this assumes that the humidity gauge is correct - I assume from the 34% that you are in a winter location in the north - rh up here can be serious challenge at this time of year. I am getting close to the dry limits for flowering at the moment, and it is about to get drier here as temps go to -32C shortly.

And don't worry about being new on here, we all started in the same boat, and you will find this a very helpful and friendly place.

Welcome to AFN and good luck with the grow. :goodluck:
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Ok so if I'm to use water bottles cut in half, would I keep the bottom half to put over the seedling or the top half with the opening to drink from? Would a gallon milk jug work better? Would I poke holes into them so the seedling can breath? I do have a Crane Drop Humidifier- Amazon product ASIN B01E7Q2AR8. Would this be safe to put inside my tent? If so where would I position it? The humidifier is older and hasn't been used in years but I know it works. Thanks again, everyone for the help. You have no idea how much it's helping this new and indecisive/perfectionist of a grower!
Ok so if I'm to use water bottles cut in half, would I keep the bottom half to put over the seedling or the top half with the opening to drink from? Would a gallon milk jug work better? Would I poke holes into them so the seedling can breath? I do have a Crane Drop Humidifier- Amazon product ASIN B01E7Q2AR8. Would this be safe to put inside my tent? If so where would I position it? The humidifier is older and hasn't been used in years but I know it works. Thanks again, everyone for the help. You have no idea how much it's helping this new and indecisive/perfectionist of a grower!

i meself uze the top halvez, to be able to uze the screw-on cap for venting of a sort, but it'z an either-or thing really :shrug: and ya, i take me scissorz & snip out 3-4 lil notchez around the bottom edge to help with airflow from a wee fan ;) one lil tip about uzin the water bottlez is that u can lightly mist the topsoil, then put the dome on, gently pressing it into the soil, which then formz a ring, or "moat" for the light wateringz in the makez it ez that way to water in a ring, away from the main stem, which is what u wanna do, so the lil rootz are forced to seek out the water on their own, and thus grow & lay a good foundation :smokeit: ppp
i meself uze the top halvez, to be able to uze the screw-on cap for venting of a sort, but it'z an either-or thing really :shrug: and ya, i take me scissorz & snip out 3-4 lil notchez around the bottom edge to help with airflow from a wee fan ;) one lil tip about uzin the water bottlez is that u can lightly mist the topsoil, then put the dome on, gently pressing it into the soil, which then formz a ring, or "moat" for the light wateringz in the makez it ez that way to water in a ring, away from the main stem, which is what u wanna do, so the lil rootz are forced to seek out the water on their own, and thus grow & lay a good foundation :smokeit: ppp

Thanks for the help! How long until I should see the second set of serrated leaves start to form? I feel my girls growth has stunted a little bit, leaves are dropping a little and they just don't seem to be growing like there were in the previous days. I could be over reacting but like I said I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want to get this right!