New Grower *First Grow* Double Grape Auto by Mephisto Genetics(Autopot XL)

Day 7
I'm not an expert by any means. Just another reminder. :WTF:
I fed my plants a 2.5ml (1/16tsp) Raw Silica and 0.5g Sea-K extract in a half gallon of water. Like a eighth of a full dose of each. The water read 80 ppm and the runoff was around 120. I like those numbers better than before.
But I pH'd the water to 5.5 and the runoff came out 6.3 which it was on day 5-6. Should I lower the pH more or keep giving 5.5 until it lowers? Also, is 50% RH okay right now?

Hope you didn't get tired of me. Here's pictures of the girls.

Plant A

Plant B

Why are you trying to get it lower? You're in soil right?

You want to be watering at 6.3-6.5ish. Runoff testing is really not accurate or indicative of much unless you're doing it a super specific way with RO water.
They look good to me. With them getting a bit leggy I think you may be ok to increase your light strength a bit more/bring it down a little.
I am not in soil it's 70/30 coco perlite and that is why I was going for 5.5-5.8 but thanks I'm increasing the light to 50%
personally, I’d either lower the light or turn up the power to stop the early stretch. I’m a soil guy(Autopots) so don’t have any insight to feeding.
I'd be transplanting these now or already into their final pot. Why wait; for what? The plants look established, growing normally. I'd transplant before they put out more roots just likely to get damaged in transplanting; get the plant settled in and the taproot growing ASAP; etc.
Alright, I appreciate that. I had seen a lot of conflicting opinions on that so I had originally planned on transplanting after 2 weeks but if you think I should put them in the autopots now and begin hand feeding them in there?