New Grower First grow (Devils Cream by Sweetseeds)

Hey Burt

The real Pro for macro shots is @Slater. I try and shoot in low-light conditions against a dark background and then I try not to use a flash. So I like a dark background with a diffuse light shining down from above or from the side and no flash.
Day 66-

Here are some updated close up pics and one main cola picture.

Looking to get some opinions on getting better macro shots. I'm having trouble figuring out the best lighting condition to take them in. Not sure if alot of light is good or bad. Or which type of light to put them under.

The Purple lady


Her Green/Purple sis


Purple lady's main cola


Macro shot of the most developed bud sight


Thanks for any comments/suggestions!

hey dude, plants are looking top notch :thumbsup:
@jingo has given me a tag for some photography advice.
When taking pics its best to take them under a light of 5000k (good vegging spectrum), this will give you much more of a white light, showing the girls off at there colourful best. 3500k (stander house hold bulb) will just throw loads of yellow and red into the spectrum. Nothing wrong with that but if your after the best representation of colour go for the 5000k bulbs. And you can never have to much light in the kind of photography we want from the plants.
To help with marco you must use a tripod. And also set you shutter to a timer so when you click the button your camera has that few seconds to stop shaking.
Also don't move about, vibration through the floor will be picked up. When shooting in marco the slightest vibration gets exaggerated loads.
Its also its worth using a little bit of flash to fill in those shady parts under the leaves.
Hope that helps dude, tag me if you need any more... Have a slap dude the plants look fab :slap:
ha ha... just contradicted @jingo on the flash thing. I say this as I'm assuming your using your phone which will have loads of auto setting for fill in flash etc. If your using an SLR you need to read up on fill in flash and how to use it effectively with in your set up. Its not hard but you need to work it out on your own camera. Worth the effort for those great bud porn shots.
Thank you @jingo and @Slater for the responses!

You pretty much explained everything I was having issues with @Slater

I was having trouble getting a focused shot because my plant was lightly shaking due to the inline tent fan and the clip on blowing on them. I was like alright, I can't hold either the plant or phone any steadier. Still wouldn't focus haha.

But ok perfect, I might have access to an SLR camera if my buddy will let me borrow one. So I will check up on fill in flash so I won't be lost if I do get my hands on one. I would like to get a nice camera for pictures anyways so I might be hitting you up for some advice on brands when the time comes if thats ok.

So tripod, 5000k light and fill in flash if needed. Thanks a bunch guys. I'll be chopping the ladies down in the next two weeks so stay tuned for some more pics!

Hopefully much better quality next time lol

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Thank you @jingo and @Slater for the responses!

You pretty much explained everything I was having issues with @Slater

I was having trouble getting a focused shot because my plant was lightly shaking due to the inline tent fan and the clip on blowing on them. I was like alright, I can't hold either the plant or phone any steadier. Still wouldn't focus haha.

But ok perfect, I might have access to an SLR camera if my buddy will let me borrow one. So I will check up on fill in flash so I won't be lost if I do get my hands on one. I would like to get a nice camera for pictures anyways so I might be hitting you up for some advice on brands when the time comes if thats ok.

So tripod, 5000k light and fill in flash if needed. Thanks a bunch guys. I'll be chopping the ladies down in the next two weeks so stay tuned for some more pics!

Hopefully much better quality next time lol

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No worry's @BurtMaclin , glad to help
YIKES! Need help asap.

Hey everyone, I am at around day 72 and I am starting to have a huge problem with my plants.

The colas are starting to become really deformed. It seems to me it's because of the mutant leaves my soil decided to produce. They seem to be messing with the cola structure by growing into the bud itself and all over. This is by far the worst one.


And heres my best looking one


My options seem to be cut them down asap before they get more deformed and in that process sacrafice some potency, or keep them going a few more days and possibly risk deforming my colas more. I would be hard pressed to find anyone who would even take these off my hands at this point. At least the really deformed one.

I really don't know what to do guys. They all seem to be starting to develope like that. At first it was just that one plant but now it's all of them.

Any suggestions? Does this issue have a name or solution?

Thanks for any responses as always guys.

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Last edited:
Giving this a bump to try and see if anyone can help figure out whats going on.

Don't know if this is normal growth or an issue I need to tend to asap.

Thanks guys

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Giving this a bump to try and see if anyone can help figure out whats going on.

Don't know if this is normal growth or an issue I need to tend to asap.

Thanks guys

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Looks like standard fox tailing to me dude. No deformity. just maturity and possibly a bit too warm in there. Welcome to the wide world of Canna.
Yeah you have some Fox tails going on, if they're on most Buds and they're growing out kind of even then you just have a strain dependent characteristic. If they are all on your upper buds closer to your light or in an air of your tent it's a lot warmer you can be a heat problem. You can also get foxtails from too much nitrogen late in flower.

You can just trim them off and make hash out of them if you're worried about the bag of appeal of your buds but they're good to smoke themselves.
Thanks @microncreek and @jingo

I thought it was foxtailing but as a new grower I wanted to make sure before blurting it out.

It's probably the nitrogen overload my girls had gotten from the beggining that caused this along with a possible light leak during a few days where I wasn't home to close the side flap. The sun from my window tends to leak through my blinds and light up the room.

When I start to trim should I take the foxtails off completely or trim around them for best bud structure?

I'm assuming just take them off all together as they arent very tight.

Thanks a bunch

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