New Grower First Grow Blueberry DWC

Your ladies are looking mighty frosty there. Its all up to you when you want to harvest. You want a cerebral high then cut when all trichs are cloudy but if you want a couch lock then go for all amber. Do a 50/50 and get best of both worlds. Also Amber trichs do well for medical patients.

Happy Growing Mate and Im Subbed
Long overdue update

Took down plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] on day 92 (16 days ago). Was enough time to get everything dried and one week of curing before we left for our trip. The timing was a tight squeeze to get everything in. But in the end we managed. Got 86 grams dry out of the first plant. Also ended up with almost two oz of good trim and small buds. Wife is looking forward to making more butter soon.

So we aren't sure what the strain ended up being. It was supposed to be Blueberry. But we are highly skeptical. It doesn't smell or taste anything like blueberries and looked to have more sativa than indica in it. Blueberry being indica dominant. The aroma and taste is sweet citrus/tangerine. Matches up perfectly to the Tangerine Dream Auto description on GCS website, but who really knows. The other two didn't even auto. Regardless of all that, there were zero complaints with the end result from that plant.

It's Day 108 for the two that ended up being photos. Trichs are cloudy with some amber starting to set it. Going to start flushing soon and bringing them down next week. I will try to get a couple pictures up before the chop.
Day 110

Won't be long before these two lovely ladies come down. The branches are really getting a work out as the buds fatten up.

day 110 pic 1.jpg
Day 110 pic 2.jpg