New Grower First Grow Blueberry DWC

Day 47

Center plant is screaming. Still waiting on the outer two to start wanting to flower. Not overly surprising I suppose since I have known from the beginning that the center one wasn't the same strain of pheno.
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Day 61

An overdue update. Ended up with a couple issues that I turned into an opportunity. Issue number one, plants 2 and 3 (the outer two) hadn't showed signs of flowering by day 51. After digging around a little bit I reached the conclusion that the odds were they weren't going to autoflower. Doh! And issue two I think that the plants had gotten so crowded for space they were racing each other for the light and I was running out of height, now to mention horizontal space. So I flipped over to 12/12 and ordered a bigger tent (4x4). Absolutely no fun at all trying to move them, but the deed is done. It appears I didn't hurt them too bad and they have really taken to the extra space. Plant one continues to flower and recently number 2 and 3 have decided to follow suit. I'm guessing that being 12/12 isn't ideal for the one that actually auto'd, but it was better than trashing the other two plants.

The girls in their new house. Hard to see the two hiding in the back, but they are there.
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The good girl
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And one of the two that were late to the party.
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So my opportunity.... Since I had a tent that I was no longer using and two (I assume) photoperiod plants. I figured the logical thing to do was to take a few cuttings while I was shaving their legs. Starting to see roots already. I'll update those once I have it set up and going.
Day 81

Seems like day 1000.... Plant 1 is filling out and some of the pistils are starting to wither. Hoping to be ready to take her down next weekend in order to be able to get her dry and a week of curing in before a trip. It was supposed to be blueberry but I'm really not picking any of that up in the smell. She does have a very pleasant sweet and slightly earthy scent.

Plants 2 and 3 seem to be about 2 weeks behind number 1. Besides appearing to be more indica, the aroma one these two are more what I was expecting from blueberry. I ended up having to supercrop a couple of the branches on these two since they had grown right into the lights. Once plant one is out of the way, I'm hoping to be able to spread these forward in the tent some to take advantage of the free space.

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Day 83

I'm seeing cloudy but no amber. Looking for some experienced opinions about taking down plant 1 this weekend. I'd normally have no issue with waiting longer but due to an upcoming trip I'm hoping to get it dried and the initial cure done. The two that didn't auto are a couple weeks behind so I will leave them up until after the trip.

Thanks in advance.

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Day 84

Nothing new. Tried to get a couple pics from further back.

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I am about done messing with the cuttings I took from the two that didn't auto. I have them set up in the original tent. Put them in coco in some 2 gallon fabric pots. I ended up building some self draining saucers and a automatic watering system. Still dialing in the flow on it though. Trying to balance the amount of runoff across all the pots, then I will adjust for the total amount of runoff. I'm going to be moving the strip light that I just completed to the bigger tent for the next run. But I figured I'd make use of it until then.

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