First Grow (Big Bud Auto) Need help asap

Bloody Aussies , :biggrin: Far north Queensland , first up what neck of the woods are you from , Now big bud is dead easy to grow and you can get big yields of her .
Nutrients -- Nutri-Tech 10.10.10. use it at half strength to get 5.5.5 way better than powerfeed + seasol , We can get into nutrients later , what soil are you using . I always plant into 27 ltr pots , Big Bud do way better in big pots . Here is the last one I grow 250 gram dry . Do you know your soil Ph and do you ph your feed , more info will help .
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Just like me with @hecno
Thankyou so much for the reply, I’m in Perth, And I’m all new to nutrients so I grabbed the shit that made sense to me. My potting mix is premium organic..... I’ll provide a photo. I also don’t Ph my water or anything because I just can’t afford the ph up or down, or a ph test. But I’m using purified water. And I’m gonna use a maximum of 3L pot as it’s a sort of stealth grow as I live in a gated community and neighbours can see pretty much straight into the back yard except for a few spots (which is where I mgrowing)
Thankyou so much for the reply, I’m in Perth, And I’m all new to nutrients so I grabbed the shit that made sense to me. My potting mix is premium organic..... I’ll provide a photo. I also don’t Ph my water or anything because I just can’t afford the ph up or down, or a ph test. But I’m using purified water. And I’m gonna use a maximum of 3L pot as it’s a sort of stealth grow as I live in a gated community and neighbours can see pretty much straight into the back yard except for a few spots (which is where I mgrowing)View attachment 1166320
I would also like to add that, id like to sort of create a nutrient table that consists of the stuff I already have/own so far what I have is
Seedling - 1ml seasol each feeding

Early Veg - 1ml powerfeed(red one) 1ml seasol per L

Peak veg - 2ml powerfeed(red one), 2ml seasol

And for flowering I have Monsta Bud from Ozimagic but I don’t know what PK nute to combine this with as there’s not too much out there from what I can find.
Well if ya want to know how big autos can get browse around the forum there's several BEAST on here and I'm 90% positive you can transplant
Good morning peeps I transplant solo to pots all the time. Also transplanted from hydro to coco no problem, theyre tough girls :pass:
Good morning peeps I transplant solo to pots all the time. Also transplanted from hydro to coco no problem, theyre tough girls :pass:
Always thought transplanting autos was a big no no due to there set life period and them unable to withstand certain types of stress?
Always thought transplanting autos was a big no no due to there set life period and them unable to withstand certain types of stress?
well they say a lot mate but best thing to do is try for yourself it can be and is done. when I was growing hydro I would give the rootball a wash n rinse too if needed. treat it like any other plant you'll be surprised what they can handle. training too young is the only no no I can confirm so far
well they say a lot mate but best thing to do is try for yourself it can be and is done. when I was growing hydro I would give the rootball a wash n rinse too if needed. treat it like any other plant you'll be surprised what they can handle. training too young is the only no no I can confirm so far
Okay awesome thankyou heaps!! What should I do for my current situation ? Have a look at the last 3 phtotos
Okay awesome thankyou heaps!! What should I do for my current situation ? Have a look at the last 3 phtotos
I tend to agree with @Dabber and you say you flushed so do nothing while you check out the organic grow thread on here and pop a post in the infirmary thread too if you like, I wouldnt worry tho theyre still only wee :pass:
I tend to agree with @Dabber and you say you flushed so do nothing while you check out the organic grow thread on here and pop a post in the infirmary thread too if you like, I wouldnt worry tho theyre still only wee :pass:
Fair enough, I’ve just moved them inside as it’s night where I am just to keep them away from insects just like the Lil spider I found in one hahah, anyway they’re looking a bit sad from the flush, droopy as hell, this a problem? All of a sudden I’m running into all sorts of bloomin problems.
Fair enough, I’ve just moved them inside as it’s night where I am just to keep them away from insects just like the Lil spider I found in one hahah, anyway they’re looking a bit sad from the flush, droopy as hell, this a problem? All of a sudden I’m running into all sorts of bloomin problems.
lol try not to worry just give it a few days n see how they go I'm sorry I can't offer advice on your medium I've not tried organic yet but that thread is where i'm going when I do, I'll be shouting at you for advice then :d5:
lol try not to worry just give it a few days n see how they go I'm sorry I can't offer advice on your medium I've not tried organic yet but that thread is where i'm going when I do, I'll be shouting at you for advice then :d5:
Okay awesome I didn’t know there was a whole thread for my medium and yeh I’m so paranoid because I was really curious to grow so I spent a fuck ton on 4 autos and a few fems waiting for the right season for the fems. So don’t really wanna fk up as this plants heading into its 4th week tomorrow.