First Grow (Big Bud Auto) Need help asap

Feb 29, 2020
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Hey guys so for the past few weeks I’ve been updating people on my grow on another website, when I say people I mean myself lol since no ones answering at all!!! Anyway instead of re typing everything out I’m just going to copy and paste my updates I’ve posted from that site with Photos included.... in order ofcourse....

March 1st 2020
What’s up guys, Currently my first grow, growing big bud auto, that’s what the guy told me lol. Anyway I’ve started 2 plants off on the window seal, it’s day 13 right now and I want to know...

#1 When to move them outside.

#2 if these plants are smaller then your typical 13 day auto? Thanks! Photos below are from today. I started the smaller one in a small pot just to see what would happen if it was kept in a small pot for it’s a whole life cycle.

6th of March 2020
Okay so day 19 now since sprout, They’ve grown much more....still unsure if they’ve stunted or not, also bit of yellowing on the smaller auto, anyone know what this is? Pls need info urgently as I’m curiously paranoid lol

9th March
Still no one? Damn...... Anyway another update to myself haha . In the small auto it seems it has a bit of nute burn or something to do with the hot weather, can’t determine which if someone can please help? I also flushed the small auto just in case aswell as the big one just to save it from running into the same problem just in case it does. Flushed it with Purified water with 0.5ml of seasol in it (seasol is an Australian brand Soil fertiliser, 0 nutrients)

Anyone help pls, all photos posted are in order!


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It would be mid May in my area for outside. What size are the pots
It would be mid May in my area for outside. What size are the pots
I’m in Australia atm, start of autumn. Small ones 0.5L (I know Autos can’t be transplanted just wanted to see how big it would get in this pot) and the bigger one is 2.5L
I’m in Australia atm, start of autumn. Small ones 0.5L (I know Autos can’t be transplanted just wanted to see how big it would get in this pot) and the bigger one is 2.5L
Well if ya want to know how big autos can get browse around the forum there's several BEAST on here and I'm 90% positive you can transplant
Well if ya want to know how big autos can get browse around the forum there's several BEAST on here and I'm 90% positive you can transplant
Oh okay awesome well idrc about size atm I just want top quality buds that’ll survive atm can you tell me the problems with my plants though please? You can see them within the last 3 pictures those were taken today
Looks good from here have you fed them anything
Looks good from here have you fed them anything
Yep fed with powerfeed + seasol on the 26th of February, which was there first feeding. Are you sure they’re healthy? What’s with the burnt tips on the smaller auto, they also both have a bit of yellowing
Yep fed with powerfeed + seasol on the 26th of February, which was there first feeding. Are you sure they’re healthy? What’s with the burnt tips on the smaller auto, they also both have a bit of yellowing
:shrug: over watering or nute burn
Bloody Aussies , :biggrin: Far north Queensland , first up what neck of the woods are you from , Now big bud is dead easy to grow and you can get big yields of her .
Nutrients -- Nutri-Tech 10.10.10. use it at half strength to get 5.5.5 way better than powerfeed + seasol , We can get into nutrients later , what soil are you using . I always plant into 27 ltr pots , Big Bud do way better in big pots . Here is the last one I grow 250 gram dry . Do you know your soil Ph and do you ph your feed , more info will help .


Just like me with @hecno