New Grower First Grow Auto PP (Power Plant)

i switched it to 12/12, hope for the best.

will update soon again ;-)
Yup, 12/12 sounds good she should start showing signs of sex in a few days. Prob just a confusion with the seed company, kinda saved your ass though, if it would've Been an auto it wouldn't had recovered like that.
If i remember right your soil ph was way too low,did you change the soil?
Shes looking a lot better now,well done whatever you did.
day 68

3 days of 12/12, nothing happened..
what do you think guys?
is there any possible that she will never make it?

Im using both 2700k and 6400k, if she not a auto i should use only the 2700k bulbs, do i?
I see pistils little hairs that's great news, keep it 12/12 the whole way, depending on the strain since it's a photo, might take 6-8 weeks of flowering left
I see pistils little hairs that's great news, keep it 12/12 the whole way, depending on the strain since it's a photo, might take 6-8 weeks of flowering left

i never see cannabis flower so i dont know how its look like, i hope you right.

in what picture you saw the pistils hair?
Howdy Ganja....The pistils are in the first few pic's..right at the base of the stems.Fine hair like growth...I have a gal that acting just like yours..She is on the 12/12 light and really slow growing at this piont..But I'm leaving her go till the weather breaks or she kicks the bucket..

Also, they're really pretty and healthy. Steady as she goes...NO MAJOR CHANGES!