Yup, 12/12 sounds good she should start showing signs of sex in a few days. Prob just a confusion with the seed company, kinda saved your ass though, if it would've Been an auto it wouldn't had recovered like that.
I see pistils little hairs that's great news, keep it 12/12 the whole way, depending on the strain since it's a photo, might take 6-8 weeks of flowering left
I see pistils little hairs that's great news, keep it 12/12 the whole way, depending on the strain since it's a photo, might take 6-8 weeks of flowering left
Howdy Ganja....The pistils are in the first few pic's..right at the base of the stems.Fine hair like growth...I have a gal that acting just like yours..She is on the 12/12 light and really slow growing at this piont..But I'm leaving her go till the weather breaks or she kicks the bucket..
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