Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

Jun 24, 2016
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First-time grower here and I'm running 4 Autocobs 55w @Rebel @BigSm0 in a 3x3tent.

@iampepe @Fairlynew @Yeatster @autobeast @TD300 @912GreenSkell

Im running 4 @mephisto 2 sour stomper 1 skylar white 1 3 bear og in 7 gallon geo pots

This is a no till soil run so Ill be feeding only compost teas, aloe, and coconut. I have about 80 worms per pot.

Method 1 pps for ipm management courtesy to my brother @Evil-Mobo worked really well Iover watered in the begining and I had a fungas gnat infestion the method 1 got rid of 95% of gnats in a few days I only see one or two here and there but nothing in my soil.

Here's my soil base

Base Soil:

  • 2 CuFt Sphagnum moss
  • 1 CuFt Pumice lava rock
  • 1 CuFt Modern Beginning charged Biochar
  • 1 CuFt Rice Hulls
  • 2 CuFt Humus composed of 1/3 Compost and 2/3 EWC, and
  • comfrey, nettle, dandelion
Nutrients included in the soil:

  • (Per cu.Ft of Base Soil)
  • 1/2 cup organic Neem meal
  • 1/2 cup organic Kelp meal
  • 1/2 cup organic Crustacean meal
  • 1/2 cup organic insect frass
  • 1/3 cup Gro-Kashi
  • 1/3 cup Karanja Meal
  • 1/4 cup of fish bone meal
  • 1/16th cup of Modern Microbes
  • 3 cups of some Rock/Mineral Mix
  • (Rock/Mineral Mix)
  • 2 part Oyster Shell Flour
  • 2 part Gypsum
  • 1 parts Glacial Rock Dust
  • 1 part Basalt
  • 1 part Calcium Bentonite
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Sour Stomeper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Day 7

I know bro I can't wait to see what four of these babies can do! I'm still in need of a really good carbon filter I was thinking of a phresh 6in. What do you think?
I know bro I can't wait to see what four of these babies can do! I'm still in need of a really good carbon filter I was thinking of a phresh 6in. What do you think?

I highly recommend a phresh 6in. I have owned a few and they are great odor control. :thumbsup: I'll get your badges done!