Would like to see how this turns out for you, @thchigh> Your plants are frickin' beautiful! I'm a 68 yr old total noob with pain issues who has been lurking around for a couple of months trying to gather info to take the plunge! Being a speed reader, I go through a lot of info....problem being it becomes hard to separate it out into useful data. At the beginning of your journal, some of you were talking about not finding much about growing with hempies here on the forum. I recently came across a thread by
@Nicker32 called "nickers32 journey through Mephisto". It's in the section where people post journals about Mephisto seed grows. He grew some beautiful plants with great yields using the hempy system. There is also a woman with a bunch of her friends on one of the other forums that has been into hempy use for a good while. They seem to be having excellent results but they are mostly into photoperiods, but have recently been doing a few autos with equal success. The general consensus on set-up is using 2-3 gallon buckets with drain hole drilled around 2" from the bottom of the bucket. Then fill with perlite to an inch or so over the hole and fill the rest up with coco. After that, everyone seems to have their own nute and watering regimen agreeing on the pH range like you guys discussed here. I hope you don't mind me interjecting this into your journal......I'm not sure yet about the nuances of forum etiquette but I thought you might find the nicker32 post and the info useful. Keep up the good work!!