Heres the Short Stuff Onyx:
Looking sad and sick, but fattening up still. Crazy looking spots on some leaves. I swear they changed colors and were brown-ish red, and then red, and then black-ish looking. ALSO, I think she hermied on me! The calyxes turned yellow, pinched one off and a tiny tiny little bean was in there. Weak. Are regular beans really better or am I a total rookie? I only found 4 little premature seeds in the AKR and HBD and the HBD is gone, and only 3 grams of the AKR is left! They were so damn small that I always lost them when I wanted to check them out after smoking. So small. Smells awesome though. Still haven't had a real stinky stinky auto yet which is cool. I can run the dresser without the scrubber, its just a lot louder now without it.
AKR dry weight: 15.8 grams
HBD dry weight: 21.3 grams
Weak rookie yield, but got some pretty potent auto smoke in a short period of time.