New Grower First grow and new to the network...

Damn DG, been busy at work recently so haven't spent as much time here as I would like, can't believe i missed the harvest! If i could give you another slap i would but i think you must be black and blue already with the amount of fully deserved slaps you've already taken!
Damn DG, been busy at work recently so haven't spent as much time here as I would like, can't believe i missed the harvest! If i could give you another slap i would but i think you must be black and blue already with the amount of fully deserved slaps you've already taken!
Haha thanks Chrotoker! Going to be jarring her up later today or tomorrow and I’ll get a weight.
It took a good week at 55% rh to get her snap dry, and then into jars she went. The good news — she came in at 142 grams plus trim I haven’t bothered to weigh — and she gets me super high. Pleased with how she smokes, and smells and tastes wonderful.

The bad news — I wouldn’t consider a single gram to be high grade bud. The lot of it, thin and wispy. Did I overtrim? Kind of at a loss as to what I did wrong. I mean, I did everything kind of wrong LOL. I hope I can figure out what happened because I’d like to be drooling over the Northern Lights harvest in another few weeks.

Anyway, here are some pics. You be the judge.
Those buds look great to me!! They will become tighter with the cure, also! 142 grams! That's a nice harvest, DG! Congrats!

buds will tighten up but also needed more light to stop stretch, really best to give it a bright white through veg and keep branch spacing to inch apart works best. Then right before pre-flower stretch brighten light or lower or both. you want colas on end so try to stop stretch with light.
buds will tighten up but also needed more light to stop stretch, really best to give it a bright white through veg and keep branch spacing to inch apart works best. Then right before pre-flower stretch brighten light or lower or both. you want colas on end so try to stop stretch with light.
Intriguing. Do you recommend closer than 18”?
:jointman:... he's a she actually,... and has been dealing with a lot of stuff lately, so has been scarce,... I can help with badges too, but let's check in with @Rebel first... The badge stash is kinda hit-and-miss for breeders and such,.. but we try to have them for official vendors here... Another thing coming, new forum software which may not carry badges or Rep' either, so we'll see on that,.. Rep' is gone for sure, badges there may be a work-around?
OK, we gotta tune your snoot up luv! Aromatics are a big hook for many folks when choosing strains, thiugh I know olfactory perception can vary quite a bit between people, and it's difficult to assess them sometimes! See if you can pick out some aromatic notes using this wheel chart,....


I adore this chart! It helped. So with my GG4, here are my impressions: Sharp, cat-pissy, lemon. Incense-y, with a bit of nut. And sticky on the fingers.