New Grower First grow and new to the network...

Yes, there’s definitely a learning curve, even steeper with hydros than soil. But life is a learning experience and your lady looks good. I’m 2 wks into my first autoflower, first LED grow myself. I, being an actual farmer living on an actual farm, know dirt. So organic soil was the obvious choice for my first tent grow. I have been growing outdoors for many years and I am still learning new things every season. MJ genetics have made great strides since laws have started changing with many great things to come. I’m looking forward to following your lady. Good luck with your grow!
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Welcome to the forums davisgirl :) This is a great place to learn and you'll grow a gorgeous plant there since you'll be focusing all of your attention on it. Sorry to hear it was a stressful start. Here's to a successful finish :coffee:
Hey DG, what nutes are you using? Be sure to add some hydroguard to your bucket, will help the roots stay pearly white, and prevents a lot of issues. I have learned it s must for us waterheads!
Hey DG, what nutes are you using? Be sure to add some hydroguard to your bucket, will help the roots stay pearly white, and prevents a lot of issues. I have learned it s must for us waterheads!
I’m using GH Flora series plus cal mag in distilled.

My northern lights babies poked through today, top and bottom. So I guess that’s day 1 for them. I have a few more bubble buckets coming in on Thursday and I’d like to get them in there before the roots get to be too much. I took the pH down in both containers yesterday from 6.5 or so down to 5.8. When I checked them today they’d gone up a half point so I’m thinking it’s going to be a daily thing. Where were you at as far as pH?

Can I pick your brain on a couple other things as well hydro buddy? I’m going easy on the nutes. But not too easy. I’ve been running a weekly water change, dosing with nutes, and coming in with a TDS of 700 or so. She seems to be doing fine so I’m expecting that number until she really heads into flower. At that point I’ll step on the nutes a bit more and I’m expecting to come in around 1000. Does that sound like a good strategy?
I hadn’t thought about the hydroguard but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I’ll do some research and get it on the 2-day Amazon. Thanks for the heads up.
I’m using GH Flora series plus cal mag in distilled.

My northern lights babies poked through today, top and bottom. So I guess that’s day 1 for them. I have a few more bubble buckets coming in on Thursday and I’d like to get them in there before the roots get to be too much. I took the pH down in both containers yesterday from 6.5 or so down to 5.8. When I checked them today they’d gone up a half point so I’m thinking it’s going to be a daily thing. Where were you at as far as pH?

Can I pick your brain on a couple other things as well hydro buddy? I’m going easy on the nutes. But not too easy. I’ve been running a weekly water change, dosing with nutes, and coming in with a TDS of 700 or so. She seems to be doing fine so I’m expecting that number until she really heads into flower. At that point I’ll step on the nutes a bit more and I’m expecting to come in around 1000. Does that sound like a good strategy?

I personally think ranging between 5.8-6.2 is perfect. Let it go through the whole range and then adjust down. I have read a chart that shows the plants intake different nutes at dffrerent phs in this range for hydro.

Your ppm sounds great, but be ready to adjust if the plants show those signs. Yeah. If they can handle more during flower, then you can slowly step up from there. The key thing is to watch the leaves for clues to what they need.

Damn, I sounds like a guy whose completed more than one grow! Seriously though, I have asked these same questions, so happy to pass in what I learned!
I personally think ranging between 5.8-6.2 is perfect. Let it go through the whole range and then adjust down. I have read a chart that shows the plants intake different nutes at dffrerent phs in this range for hydro.

Your ppm sounds great, but be ready to adjust if the plants show those signs. Yeah. If they can handle more during flower, then you can slowly step up from there. The key thing is to watch the leaves for clues to what they need.

Damn, I sounds like a guy whose completed more than one grow! Seriously though, I have asked these same questions, so happy to pass in what I learned!

Thanks for the info! I appreciate all the help I can get :)
NP. I wish I knew someone growing growers choice GG4 in hydro when I started, I would have picked their brain also! Happy to help, really.
Hi everyone ~
It’s been a busy couple of days and I’ve finally got a big chunk of time today I can invest in the tent to make some improvements. There have been a few issues. I’m including a couple pics in the post as before photos.
So I narrowed down the date on the gorilla glue (GG). The seeds were delivered on 9/10, so I’m going to go with her coming through the soil on 9/15. That puts her at 32 days. I see no evidence of budding so I’m treating her like a late stage veg.
My Northern Lights (NL) came through the soil on the 15th, so that makes them 2 days. I love them! They look good except that one is always dry and one is always wet. Clueless. I put a few pellets under the wet one and that seemed to help. But I’m anxious to get them into their 5 gal bubble buckets before the roots get too big. That’s on the agenda for today.
My humidity is way too low. I’m not happy with it. Its been running in the low 30s pretty much all along. I’d like to see a number closer to 50. So I ordered a small humidifier and it came in. It’s going in the tent today.
While I was pondering my humidity issue, I resorted to misting the tent with water here and there. I guess you’re not supposed to do this with the lights on. It marks the leaves. My GG has a few leaves marked up and I’m going to cut them off. When I noticed that I realized I had not yet sprayed neem oil on her yet. I read somewhere that you can’t spray once they bud so I sprayed her yesterday. Then turned the lights off for a bit ;-).
Other than that, I have a few housekeeping issues I need to take care of. I’m going to wipe then tent down. I’m not happy with all the power cordage. I’m going to feed them through one of the ports up high. And all those water pumps with no check valves. That’s on the list too.
Speaking of water pumps. I’m not happy with the pumps that the buckets came with. 1.5 watts. The water is moving, but I’d like it to move more. So I also ordered a nifty water pump that promises to be a bit more robust and can power all the buckets. That’s going in today too.
Which brings me to the roots. They look beautiful! I admire them fairly frequently. They will love the additional oxygen. I ordered some hydroguard for insurance, and it’s on the way.
Which brings me to water. I’ve been lugging 5 gallons of distilled water every week, but I knew today was coming. I now need 15 gallons of water today, to set up the new NL buckets and do the weekly change for GG. I have to use tap water, which sucks. Chloramine. So I did some research and found these nifty campden tablets. They are usually used for brewing but you can use them to treat tap water as well. I ordered them and got them in, but I’ve had a helluva time trying to find out how you dose hydroponic water. I’m glad I held off using them because it’s very different than how you dose water for brewing. Turns out you need half a tablet per 10 gallons. So I’m going with that.
Last but not least. GG. She’s going to bud any day and I’ve done no training whatsoever. I’ve been afraid the window may have closed for some LST. And her nodes are so close together. But I’ve been watching a lot of tutorials and I think I may still be able to do some training with her. And honestly, I’d rather make any LST mistakes with her rather than on my baby NL’s. So that’s on the agenda as well.
Everything else has been going as expected as far as ppms and pH. I’m going to get to work and hope to post some after pics before the day is done. If anyone has any advice or something else I should be looking at, please let me know. I’ll be watching the thread.
Thank you!


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LST the heck out of her, DG. She will grow vigorously and very bushy. She will have lots of lower budsites, so I recommend training for sure. You can effectively LST into the first week of flower. You have plenty of time to shape her. Granted not as much as if you started a bit earlier, but still plenty of time.

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