New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic

Harvest update! :grin:

After a lot of suicidal thoughts of panicking I finally got home and immediately rushed into the woods armed to the teeth with cutting equipment.

I had prepared for the worst; there might be no weed left.

Turns out there was actually very little mold. Sure, it was here and there but the sight almost made me cry with joy.

Almost. I never cry.

I chopped the Northern Lights. First I put infected buds in one bag and the relatively clean ones in another. I then pulled the plant out of the container and saw this:


Pretty neat, huh?

After I had thrown away the rest of the plant (which really made me quite sad) and given the most rotten parts of weed to the nearby ant colony I went back home, smiling all the way I drove.

The cola top I cut off last week had dried nicely. A bit too nicely. Let's just say curing probably won't matter as much as it should. I trimmed and stuffed the buds in a jar. We're probably going to try and see if it smokes tomorrow.


I know I left a crapload of leaves on there but let's face it: I'm not really in the position to be picky. Besides, the sugar leaves are literally coated in resin even after washing and manhandling the buds.


The fresh buds were bathed not unlike the ones before them, but I got lazy and just made this DIY drying rack so I wouldn't have to hang all of the little buggers individually.


So, that's all for now. The Afghan Kush Ryder remains in the woods covered in hydrogen peroxide (I saw a tiny bit of what I think may have been mold) and I'm working on borrowing a greenhouse to finish her in as well as possible.

All in all, my friend and I are extremely happy even if the weed isn't the most potent stuff out there. We grew a plant, got something off of it and that's something! "pher Wiggle"
What you learned during this grow will make your next that much better.:bump: :pimp:
Okay folks for the first time in the human history, my friend and I are high as fuk. :smoke:

It's really interesting having felt nothing like this before. We just wanna... say hi to aeroplanes. haha :grin:
Glad the hard work paid off! "Bailers Booya"
That still looks boss to me. I bet its still going to treat you nice. I had an OG kush barely survive into flowering last grow. Couple of record high heat waves did them in pretty good. She gave me a single cola. 8 inch colas probably. Not much, but what she did give. OHHHHH MAN. Kicked my ass. :BottomBeater:

IDK if you have smoked any yet but, I bet you might still be very pleasantly surprised by the smoke.

The smoke was still really harsh (ashes were only partially white, the rest was black). My lungs were on fire after every couple of small hits. The taste was really spicy, maybe cinnamon or ginger with a really nice after taste like that of some cigar (sandalwood?). Strange. If I didn't know any better I'd say what we smoked was the Afghan Kush Ryder.

The effects crept in steadily after a while. Head began to feel swollen, minor visual distortions became apparent, movement became slow and inaccurate. I had some slight nausea because of the continuous need to burp (but inability to do so most of the time). Maybe sparkling drinks aren't the best for coughing.

I can't remember how much time we spent just blankly staring into emptiness, but we did it a lot. Our eyes were getting more and more bloodshot. Speech had a strangely high/low pitch now and then. Thoughts were interrupted all the time but relatively effortlessly recalled.

That's when we got the munchies. It wasn't an outright urge to go out there and eat anything and everything, but rather a preference to do so. But we had already eaten all the snacks I had bought for the occasion - so we just went to the kitchen and ate someone else's food.

After we had eaten more than we normally eat in a week, we were still somewhat hungry but decided to stop there. We tried playing some Battlefield to see how we would do. We did pretty good, maybe even better than normally. Amusingly I was able to concentrate on the game exceptionally well because of the weed. I also watched an episode of Adventure time. I had watched it earlier but didn't really think much of it. But this time it was really interesting.

We did a couple more hits each and then started lying down. I was lying a bit uncomfortably but I gave up my attempts at correcting pillow and fell asleep. We woke up after sleeping 8-9 hours still feeling groggy and out of it. It still feels like I'm a little stoned but I believe it's just because I'm not used to smoking.

Overall I'm guessing we must've done 1g at most. We smoked 3 small buds from the jar and there is still a lot left. The experience was a bit more unbalanced than what I was prepared for but it was very peaceful and pleasing nevertheless. There wasn't any noticeable euphoria present other than when we ate. Cereal never tasted better.
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Still sounds like some good smoke to me. Though, the harshness could be in part, that you dont smoke hardly at all. Im assuming so by how you described the high. Sounded more like a trip report then a smoke review. :xlaugh: Good stuff man.

Dont worry man. Im saying this in a positive context.
16 weeks in

The Afghan Kush Ryder has now been chopped, manicured, bathed and laid to dry. I was hoping to get her in a greenhouse so she could finish in peace but the conditions wouldn't allow for such a luxury. She had contracted little bits of bud rot here and there during a full week of endless downpour. Her leaves had gone yellow from nutrient deficiency. I didn't want to give her any chemicals last week in case I'd have to harvest her early. The current temperatures have also proven too cold for her to grow efficiently. After considering everything for about 3 seconds I decided my only rational option was to harvest. A bummer, really.


It isn't all bad. Judging by how scrawny she looked I'm surprised she had as much to offer as she did. Certainly better than nothing. The buds were pretty much covered in dirt but I don't think there's too much of it left after washing them.


So yeah, all that remains now is patiently drying and curing what we got. :dance2:
Take what you got, and make it work, bro! Work it!!
Awesome grow. I am fighting some cal/mag problems with my northern light but it's growing quick. Are you going to do a smoke report? Again great job