New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic

Hey man, your doing good bro. The buds are looking nice man.:tiphat:
HELP! The Northern Lights contracted bud rot and I could use some counseling.

There was a really bad thunderstorm yesterday, and I went to check if everything's all right. I could see it from a far; a brown and shriveled bud leaf sticking out of the main cola. My stomach hasn't sunk that bad in a while.

I inspected the situation and tried to maintain my cool. I was careful not to touch the plant, of course. It turned out that only one small bud was partially infected and I decided to try and save as much as I could.

I disinfected a pair of scissors and cut the biggest leaves off the main cola, again careful not to shake it a lot. I was then able to slip a plastic bag over the whole cola. After cutting the cola off, I took it further away into the woods and carefully cut off the infected bud. I put the seemingly clean bud that was touching the infected bud and the rest of the cola in separate bags.


After that I cut off all the biggest fan leaves from the plant as well as any fan leaves that showed signs of weakness (rust spots, yellowing, insect damage...) to improve air circulation, taking care to disinfect the scissors after every couple of leaves. I couldn't find any mold from the rest of the plant and I'm really hoping the rest of the buds can mature in peace.

The storm had also bent the AKR. Nothing too serious I guess. She had absolutely no mold on her as far as I could tell. But should I trim her too?

When I got back from the woods I immediately gave the buds a bath in diluted hydrogen peroxide (~2ml of 15% to ~0,5l of water). I let both of them sit there for a few minutes before showering them with tap water and hanging them to dry. They'll have a small fan blowing disinfected air directly on them until they're no longer wet.


The buds have a very strong sweet odor, would a water cure help with the smell?

What should I do about the plants? There's going to be one more storm on Tuesday and a continuous risk of small showers every day after that. I won't be able to react should a problem arise since I'm out of town until Friday.
14 weeks in

Seems like my attempt at removing the bud rot infection was successful. I hope I won't have to get lucky like this again. The cut wounds looked pretty good, but I still wiped the cutting site on the main stem clean with some H2O2. Here she is after the 'surgery',



The Afghan Kush Ryder continues to slowly fill out. I cut off every sick leaf on her as well, though there were only a few of them. I also made her some supports from string (not in the picture). That'll hopefully keep her from bending during the second thunder storm.


Everything seems well in the drying cabinet as well. The brown pistils have been turning an orange color and no mold can be seen. The smell is also fading slowly but surely. I have a small fan on the bottom of the cabinet blowing in small sequences with about 2 hour intervals for a total of about 4/24 hours. The airflow points out from between the cabinet doors and some of it ricochets on the buds.

I measured the wet weight of the flowers with their leaves once the excess water had dried off. The scale showed about 16 g so I'm hopeful I'll get 2.5-4 g dry. That should be plenty for sampling purposes.

That's all, folks!
Looking great man, the flush seems to have worked out, glad it didn't spread for ya! Congrats on spotting and dealing with the rot, I have 1 greenhouse plant and am keeping a very close eye out for any signs.

As I have no experience I cannot tell how long each plant has left. :dunno:




Have you looked at the clear - milky - amber ratio of the trichomes? That should give you a good indication of when they'll be ready for chopping.
Looking great man, the flush seems to have worked out, glad it didn't spread for ya! Congrats on spotting and dealing with the rot, I have 1 greenhouse plant and am keeping a very close eye out for any signs.


Thanks! The rust spots kept spreading for a while but then settled down.

A greenhouse would be awesome right now. My dad has a small one but I reckon he'd prefer keeping to just growing tomatoes. :grin:

Have you looked at the clear - milky - amber ratio of the trichomes? That should give you a good indication of when they'll be ready for chopping.

Ah, another necessity I've neglected. I only have a crappy 5X magnifying glass. I should probably use it to take a photo with my 105mm lens and see what I get.

Then again, I'll be forced to chop in 2 weeks anyway so I might just keep my fingers crossed and hope they'll gain weight.
Time for a depressing little update.

I had my friend check on the plants today. One of the top buds as well as most of two secondary colas had to be cut off. I'm going to harvest the Northern Lights come Friday. If it isn't too late by then...
as in poacher??? Lame :(

Whoops...misread that...thought you wrote, "Had been cut off" my bad.
Sorry to hear that. Mother Nature can be a cruel bitch when she wanna be.