So there are issues about seeds and carbon filter
First seeds:
So i went to post office today and they guide me to customs office, there is a room with two employees, the one who is in charge of customs service was on leave(vacations). Tomorrow is weekend in my country ( Friday) the other guy told me to call on Saturday to see if he's at his work or not
But there's a catch here, as soon as i mentioned my name the guy (who works at that exact room) recognized me and told me my package has some problems, i asked him what is these problems and he told me: (( i don't know u should ask the other guy, but maybe it has something inside it that require some permission to enter the country , maybe there was some seeds in it, was there anything in it?)) The guy asked me, i said no it's just a toy for my nephew, he said ok then, call on Saturday and talk to the guy who is in charge
So i guess i should Wait till Saturday to see what is happening? But i think they founded seeds
As carbon filter it came today and it's a one way filter it means it has open top and closed bottom. I taught i should have a filter that can suck air through the top and push it to the bottom hole,but it isn't like that the guy at sale office of carbon filter told me that it suck through the top hole and filter it through it's height
Theres a picture i took, look and help