New Grower First ever grow with what I have on hand

Week 8/day 56
Daaang time, looking good. Really frosting up. Do you think she's turning yellow since lack of flowering nutrients?

I don't think so. I watered with a flower booster last feeding(flower fuel) and a little grow nutes. And I used flower nutes the watering before that. I'm pretty sure I just drowned her. Lack of O2 in the root zone.
Oh ok I gotcha I must've missed where you were giving flower nutes. That could be. How much are you watering and how often. I'm having a hard time telling ehen I should water.

On average, I was watering 1/2 gal once every seven days in a 2.7 gal pot, give or take on the days. Some weeks she would drink more and some less but it was always once a week water.

I got myself in trouble when she showed the N toxicity symptoms and I probably watered too soon to wash out some N and then last week I watered too soon again. In hindsight, I should have left her alone and just stuck to normal procedure. But I'm a new grower and made new grower mistakes.