New Grower First ever grow...Think Different...101% organic using LED lights

Very cool bro! I have a Think Different myself at a pretty similar age. Mines a few days, to a week older. It's gonna be fun to watch yours and Bandits and compare!

Gracias dude...yeah..should be fun indeed...I subbed to your journal...I see that your bending your girl without mercy. :rofl: Show her who's her daddy mate...hahah..oh boy....:goodluck: bro. I'll be keeping an eye on your grow, and greenbandit's grow also...:Nosey Neighbour:
Never had any issues with cal mag but been feeding them calmag at 2ml per litre since since about 2 weeks growing in plant magic plus soil...

Gr8 man...I saw you started a thread about your grow...keep us updated...

p.s. At what distance do you have your LED set from your plants?...I'm a nosey little bastard, I know...:slaps:

Salud chief...
fill up ur pot with more soil up to her 2 round leaves, she will grow more roots off that stem and become bigger plant also keep her more sturdy. my 2 cents

:thank: for the advice...when do you think I should fill her up?...

...:smoke:...Wait for a little more growth? Or directly?...and should I fill her with allmix or lightmix?..

Cheers mate..

I would prolly use light mix to be safe, I don't know never used either.. but I would do it now before your next full water or feed whichever comes first. that way roots can start forming on that main stem once its covered in soil and moist. peace bro and good luck. lookin great so far
I would prolly use light mix to be safe, I don't know never used either.. but I would do it now before your next full water or feed whichever comes first. that way roots can start forming on that main stem once its covered in soil and moist. peace bro and good luck. lookin great so far

Allright..I'll do it right before the next feeding. I already have water sitting just in case I decide to water tomorrow or the day after that.

Thnx bro...:Sharing One:
My light is usually 16/18 inches in veg and 8/12 inches in flower...
My light is usually 16/18 inches in veg and 8/12 inches in flower...

Thnx man...:thumbs:...I have my lights now at 71 cm (28 inches) from the substrate and letting the plant grow towards it. When I put the scrog in place I'll lower the light.
Day 10

Alright then...I followed the advice of Faded182 to fill up the pot. So here she is without re-fill.


I didn't want to put the All-mix directly around the plant fearing it may be too hot, so I first put Light-mix around the plant.


Then I filled the rest up with the all-mix.



Now it's feeding time..."Choccy Munchies"...

I had water sitting for 24 hours. I added 1/2 mL/L Root-Juice and 1/8 mL/L Bio-Grow. Then I pHed the water to 7,0.

I first gave her 2/3 of the water and 15 minutes later I gave her the rest. Let her craving for more...:hump:...The pH of the run-off was 5,9. Finally I wiped the tent clean with white vinegar so everything is nice and tidy. Here she is.






When I read up on other journals I like to try and understand how the grower went about doing stuff and I find myself surfing back and forth between pages to see for example what their previous feed was compared to the current and it's quite complicated sometimes (it's probably me making it complicated for myself), especially if it's a journal that has like 30+ pages.

So I thought I'll make a summary of my grow and keep updating and posting it at the end of every update I post. It doesn't matter at which stage you're at in my journal, you would easily see and understand my feeding schedule and changes I made during the entire grow. It would also come in handy when issues/problems arise, the person who is trying to help will easily have an overview on how I went about my grow.

Here is the summary I came up with for my grow until now.


It's short and compact...I'll see how it goes...

Day 14

Yesterday she displayed pistils...she's officially a "she"...:KISS:...sweeeett..."Bailers Booya"....she's looking really nice and healthy...

few :niceshot::







I made a scrog out of wood with 7,5x7,5 cm string squares (3x3 inches)...The scrog covers my entire tent area which is 60x60cm (24x24 inches)...I used L-shapes brackets with hose clamps to support the scrog...this way I could adjust the scrog height easily instead of putting legs on the scrog and have a static height..



The scrog was set at 22 cm (8,8 inches) from the substrate, but when I re-filled the pot on day 10 it's obviously now less which is about 19 cm (7,5 inches)....


I think I'll leave it at that distance unless you guys advice me otherwise...

She still has about 7,5 cm (3 inches) to grow to reach the string...


This is it for is happy as a clam...

As you were ladies & gents...:tiphat:

