Day 10
Alright then...I followed the advice of Faded182 to fill up the pot. So here she is without re-fill.
I didn't want to put the All-mix directly around the plant fearing it may be too hot, so I first put Light-mix around the plant.
Then I filled the rest up with the all-mix.
Now it's feeding time..."Choccy Munchies"...
I had water sitting for 24 hours. I added 1/2 mL/L Root-Juice and 1/8 mL/L Bio-Grow. Then I pHed the water to 7,0.
I first gave her 2/3 of the water and 15 minutes later I gave her the rest. Let her craving for more...

...The pH of the run-off was 5,9. Finally I wiped the tent clean with white vinegar so everything is nice and tidy. Here she is.
When I read up on other journals I like to try and understand how the grower went about doing stuff and I find myself surfing back and forth between pages to see for example what their previous feed was compared to the current and it's quite complicated sometimes (it's probably me making it complicated for myself), especially if it's a journal that has like 30+ pages.
So I thought I'll make a summary of my grow and keep updating and posting it at the end of every update I post. It doesn't matter at which stage you're at in my journal, you would easily see and understand my feeding schedule and changes I made during the entire grow. It would also come in handy when issues/problems arise, the person who is trying to help will easily have an overview on how I went about my grow.
Here is the summary I came up with for my grow until now.
It's short and compact...I'll see how it goes...